Easter Egger club!

My 2 year old EE "Esther" has suddenly stopped laying- she usually lays a gorgeous sky blue egg every second or third day. It's been over a week now. I did dust the whole flock for lice (as they were on my GL Wyandotte) last week and she DID NOT like that process at all! She's still eating, drinking and being social ; hanging all day with her bestie, a Buff Orpington. Doesn't seem egg bound that I can tell either (but I'm no expert) Thoughts?
My 2 EEs are the biggest brats going! They're about 11weeks old now and the biggest birds of my flock. They're the least friendly, and are just plain weirdos. They run around like a couple of goof-balls. They both hate to be held or touched. They run away and if you manage to catch one and hold them, they flap their wings and squirm and squawk like they're being killed! I sure hope they mellow out as they get older! This is Gertrude, aka Gertie-birdie. She's hard to get a good pic of. Always in motion. And this is her "sister" Henrietta. She's even worse than Gertie. Absolutely hates us even attempting to touch her. The biggest brat of the bunch! The goofy Brat Sisters... gotta love 'em tho!!
Wow the one wih the bright gold shiny feathers or Henrietta is absolutely one of the prettiest birds I have ever seen.
My 2 EEs are the biggest brats going! They're about 11weeks old now and the biggest birds of my flock. They're the least friendly, and are just plain weirdos. They run around like a couple of goof-balls. They both hate to be held or touched. They run away and if you manage to catch one and hold them, they flap their wings and squirm and squawk like they're being killed! I sure hope they mellow out as they get older!

This is Gertrude, aka Gertie-birdie. She's hard to get a good pic of. Always in motion.

And this is her "sister" Henrietta. She's even worse than Gertie. Absolutely hates us even attempting to touch her. The biggest brat of the bunch!

The goofy Brat Sisters... gotta love 'em tho!!

Your birds' personalities are perfectly normal. I describe these sweet-natured birds as kooky spooky jittery jumpy cautios wary alert. They will spook at a floating mylar balloon or plastic baggie rolling across the lawn. I always wondered if it might not be because of their mixed landrace ancestry that has made them the alert birds that they are. Very sweet nature -- we had ours in the house in quarantine and she got accustomed to petting, handling, and eating treats out of the hand. Once outside though these birds seem to revert to a skittish nature again. We called our girl the sentinel of the flock. At night she would be the one to stand up and murmur if we opened the door to the coop while the other breeds just kept on sleeping. Our friends had 5 birds attacked by a dog in the coop and only their two EEs survived by holding onto the roof wire upside-down away from the attacking dog. Good survivors these girls.
My EE that I have left is a kook. There is a reason my hubby named her Phyllis Diller. She and my Delaware (lindsey lohan - lol) both peck at my hubby and I until we pick them up, carry them around, and pet them. Of course, telling them how pretty they are all the time. lol
I agree my EEs are my drama queens. When I am being generous I tell people they are full of personality :D


This is Coleua. She is my "normal" bird. She likes to lay her eggs in an old feed trough, but otherwise is fairly agreeable.


This is Cozma, she is a nut. She enjoys laying her eggs in an old shed i have shut up. She manages to find a way in and then getting herself trapped. She is the hardest bird to catch. I currently have a predator problem and do am insisting everyone roost in the secure brooder room for the night. All my hens dislike this arrangement, Cozma throws a fit. Last night I couldn't catch her and had to risk her to the racoon. Fortunatly he did not come.
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Wow the one wih the bright gold shiny feathers or Henrietta is absolutely one of the prettiest birds I have ever seen.

Thanks Roada Red! Yeah, she's quite interesting looking. Sometimes she reminds me of a hawk! Gertie is actually prettier color-wise. I need to get a better pic of her tail. She has a long grey and brownish tail.
Your birds' personalities are perfectly normal. I describe these sweet-natured birds as kooky spooky jittery jumpy cautios wary alert. They will spook at a floating mylar balloon or plastic baggie rolling across the lawn. I always wondered if it might not be because of their mixed landrace ancestry that has made them the alert birds that they are. Very sweet nature -- we had ours in the house in quarantine and she got accustomed to petting, handling, and eating treats out of the hand. Once outside though these birds seem to revert to a skittish nature again. We called our girl the sentinel of the flock. At night she would be the one to stand up and murmur if we opened the door to the coop while the other breeds just kept on sleeping. Our friends had 5 birds attacked by a dog in the coop and only their two EEs survived by holding onto the roof wire upside-down away from the attacking dog. Good survivors these girls.

Your description sounds just like my girls! That's so sad about your friend's birds being attacked! But those EEs hanging upside-down in the coop conjures up hilarious images, despite the tragedy of the situation! Smart birdies!!
I agree my EEs are my drama queens. When I am being generous I tell people they are full of personality

This is Coleua. She is my "normal" bird. She likes to lay her eggs in an old feed trough, but otherwise is fairly agreeable.

This is Cozma, she is a nut. She enjoys laying her eggs in an old shed i have shut up. She manages to find a way in and then getting herself trapped. She is the hardest bird to catch. I currently have a predator problem and do am insisting everyone roost in the secure brooder room for the night. All my hens dislike this arrangement, Cozma throws a fit. Last night I couldn't catch her and had to risk her to the racoon. Fortunatly he did not come.
Pretty birds! I love the coloring on Cozma, with that black head and neck. Very interesting. I'm glad she didn't get attacked in the night!! I can't even imagine leaving my birds out at night... or during the day. Our dog would be the culprit in an attack. She sits outside the run and watches them and whines and drools at them. I know they'd be goners if they got out with her around!
I agree my EEs are my drama queens. When I am being generous I tell people they are full of personality :D This is Coleua. She is my "normal" bird. She likes to lay her eggs in an old feed trough, but otherwise is fairly agreeable. This is Cozma, she is a nut. She enjoys laying her eggs in an old shed i have shut up. She manages to find a way in and then getting herself trapped. She is the hardest bird to catch. I currently have a predator problem and do am insisting everyone roost in the secure brooder room for the night. All my hens dislike this arrangement, Cozma throws a fit. Last night I couldn't catch her and had to risk her to the racoon. Fortunatly he did not come.
Pretty birds! I love the coloring on Cozma, with that black head and neck. Very interesting. I'm glad she didn't get attacked in the night!! I can't even imagine leaving my birds out at night... or during the day. Our dog would be the culprit in an attack. She sits outside the run and watches them and whines and drools at them. I know they'd be goners if they got out with her around!
Oh she wasn't "out" my birds generally use the barn as a coop. It is great really because it is a large solid structure, I do not need to worry storms, and winter if the snow is too deep they can comfortably live in the barn. But it is very difficult to completely secure. I have a room within the barn that is secure, where I am forcing everyone to go, not everyone is happy with this development.

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