Easter Egger club!

I have 7 one month old chicks. They are supposed to be all hens, but I have my doubts about one. I haven't named them yet because they don't stand still long enough for me to decide who is who. There's one I call Goldie Locks but I also called her Blondie when she was little. I may change that completely. One is white and black speckled and reminds me of an eagle chick for some reason. I took a video of them in their brooder this morning if anyone wants to see it.
I originally got interested in the Easter Eggers when two "wild" chickens showed up in my yard and I started feeding them. They had these fluffy cheeks I'd never seen before and they were such sweet chickens, even the rooster, that my husband told me we could get some babies to raise. Sadly, the rooster was killed by coyotes and the little hen, doesn't like the company of any other chickens in the area so she hangs out in my garden where she can hide from an evil rooster who keeps chasing her and trapping her where she can't get food or water. Once our coop is finished, I'm hoping she will join our little flock where the evil rooster nor the coyotes can get to them.
Hello! We just got an EE yesterday, from the same folks that sold us our two Rhode Island Reds. I'm SHOCKED at how pretty she is! She laid for us right away, a light-blue egg. So nice to have this addition to our flock. I need to get a better pic, but you can see how pretty she is, I am sure. Her name is Gloria, and she joins Sunflower and Red Runner.
O she is so pretty I had a hen the same color and comb but she passed about a month ago due to water in the lungs. She was only 4'months old I couldn't wait to see what color of eggs she laid. So I am curious what color of eggs does she lay, I am talking about the one with the golden and black feathers on the neck closest to the wire.
O she is so pretty I had a hen the same color and comb but she passed about a month ago due to water in the lungs. She was only 4'months old I couldn't wait to see what color of eggs she laid. So I am curious what color of eggs does she lay, I am talking about the one with the golden and black feathers on the neck closest to the wire.

She is pretty! And very gentle, even though she barely knows us. I can't get a pic of her egg that shows its color -- it keeps looking white in the pics. But it is a pale, delicate shade of blue-green. Not blue enough to be turquoise but not green enough to be not-blue, if that makes sense.

Got my first two I found but I think ones from yesterday I only have one that was squatting. Are these even still good it was 98 yesterday and today?
I lost two!

Pinkey, my year old Australorp hen (and best layer!) I found a few days ago pulled halfway out from under the fence and half eaten. I sealed up the gap and everything was fine until yesterday when one of my EE pullets went missing. I mean noth-ing, not even feathers! The gap under the chain-link that I sealed up was undisturbed, she was just - gone. This is a 14-15 week old bird, way to big to be pulled out between the >2" gaps between the fence sections, at least not without leaving something behind.
[COLOR=000080]I lost two! [/COLOR]:hit

Pinkey, my year old Australorp hen (and best layer!) I found a few days ago pulled halfway out from under the fence and half eaten. I sealed up the gap and everything was fine until yesterday when one of my EE pullets went missing. I mean noth-ing, not even feathers! The gap under the chain-link that I sealed up was undisturbed, she was just - gone. This is a 14-15 week old bird, way to big to be pulled out between the >2" gaps between the fence sections, at least not without leaving something behind. :idunno
Around here it would be raccoons they're savage little beast I'm sorry to hear about your ladies do you have any part of the fencing buried or holes in the coop where something could chew through
[COLOR=000080]I lost two! [/COLOR]:hit

Pinkey, my year old Australorp hen (and best layer!) I found a few days ago pulled halfway out from under the fence and half eaten. I sealed up the gap and everything was fine until yesterday when one of my EE pullets went missing. I mean noth-ing, not even feathers! The gap under the chain-link that I sealed up was undisturbed, she was just - gone. This is a 14-15 week old bird, way to big to be pulled out between the >2" gaps between the fence sections, at least not without leaving something behind. :idunno
So very sorry for your loss. It sounds like a raccoon feeding babies. Util you catch or remove her she will return.Raccoons have pulled a pullet through my fence and left very very little remains. Welded wire fence with 1x2 inch spaces. She made the mistake to return and was caught. Best advise is to put a skirt 2 ft out from your fence . Use welded wire fence or hardware cloth, attached to the fence side bottom all around and put large rocks or bricks whatever on top of that to hold it down if it would try to go under it. You could also wrap the sides of your fence with smaller spaced fence.Also try to lock your birds in at night in a secure coop. I learned thr hard way to not not them in and i have not done since.Good luck and again so sorry.

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