Easter Egger club!

The whole flock, all living happily together

OlRed, (my oldest hen)


The April Hatching:

Chaz (The pullet that decided to grow up a rooster)

Braveheart (always the first to try anything new)

Glinda (The Good Witch of The South)






The August Hatching:



Strawberry Shortcake


Smokey (the Bird)


And finally, the 'twins' - ObLaDi and ObLaDa.

cute! your Strawberry Shortcake looks like my Pepper!

Last two to be named. They were 'twins'* from day one, and I was trying to come up with names that reflected that. Then while I was working on the new coop/run that song came on the radio and it just seemed perfect.

*Not from the same egg, obviously. They just looked identical
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Been struggling with our run area past week. One of the easter eggers is getting out and flipping out when she's stuck out of the run fence. I'm not sure how she's getting and the other girls are scared for her as well (they all pace around till I go get her, thankfully it's the easier EE and only her).
What do I do to secure the bottom of the run lower? Husband said she's flying to get out but I don't believe so, as there are dips in the ground by the run fence where the dust bathing have pushed & stretched out the fence.
This weekend hopefully things will get fixed. Our new girls are still quarantined but I'm not sure how they'll be outside so it must get fixed.
Anyone put netting on top like at pointy top, instead flat across? He's going to put a watering post in the ground and that'll raise top up.
Thx, just nervous about the wrong escapees to get out. I was cleaning coop when she got out.
Been struggling with our run area past week. One of the easter eggers is getting out and flipping out when she's stuck out of the run fence. I'm not sure how she's getting and the other girls are scared for her as well (they all pace around till I go get her, thankfully it's the easier EE and only her).
What do I do to secure the bottom of the run lower? Husband said she's flying to get out but I don't believe so, as there are dips in the ground by the run fence where the dust bathing have pushed & stretched out the fence.
This weekend hopefully things will get fixed. Our new girls are still quarantined but I'm not sure how they'll be outside so it must get fixed.
Anyone put netting on top like at pointy top, instead flat across? He's going to put a watering post in the ground and that'll raise top up.
Thx, just nervous about the wrong escapees to get out. I was cleaning coop when she got out.

Chickens are excellent escape artists when they want to be -- going under things or flying out of places. Wait til you find a chicken on your house or coop roof -
. It took us a couple/three times to gently remove a hen from a rooftop or usher one gently out of a fenced garden and after removing them or putting them in their own enclosed area they finally get the idea to stay on their "own" side of the yard. We don't have problems with the old hens. The pullets take a couple times to understand the boundaries. EEs and pure Ameraucanas are jittery skittery pullets and it takes a while for them to mature. They never really stop being spooky or jumpy but as adults they usually respect the barriers. Very sweet birds but they never get over their cautious alert nature.
Been struggling with our run area past week. One of the easter eggers is getting out and flipping out when she's stuck out of the run fence. I'm not sure how she's getting and the other girls are scared for her as well (they all pace around till I go get her, thankfully it's the easier EE and only her).
What do I do to secure the bottom of the run lower? Husband said she's flying to get out but I don't believe so, as there are dips in the ground by the run fence where the dust bathing have pushed & stretched out the fence.
This weekend hopefully things will get fixed. Our new girls are still quarantined but I'm not sure how they'll be outside so it must get fixed.
Anyone put netting on top like at pointy top, instead flat across? He's going to put a watering post in the ground and that'll raise top up.
Thx, just nervous about the wrong escapees to get out. I was cleaning coop when she got out.
Yes, that's how my run is, 4" x 2" welded wire netting stretched flat across (kind of hard to see in the photo).

I also have a tarp laying across part of it that not only provides shade, but also collects rainwater for the chickens.
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Here are my eggs from yesterday. 11 of my 33 hens laid...I think around 15-17 or so of my hens are laying and the rest are still being stubborn. (Just hatched this last spring). I seem to get a new one every few days now. I have Ameracucana, olive eggers, Easter eggers, copper marans, welsummer, Delaware, rhoad island red, susex, Dominique's and silkies.

That's definitely a blue Amerucana with something. I had a hard time telling my Ameraucana/morans apart from the pure until some of their neck color came in too. Mine have more of a redish color.

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