Easter Egger club!

Oh trust me I have been looking everywhere. Do they bury them in straw? I can't say that I raked through the coop. But I have been looking every where outside too
Ethel Mertz withher fancy apron

Just hang on- the eggs are coming. My Ethel Mertz laid her first egg yesterday. She was one of four hens that laid their first egg. I am so proud. It is a pretty pale one- don't know if it is green or blue though- changes with the light.
I don't care what color they are. I just can't wait to finally go out to the coop and find an egg, or two, or three. Lol

if only ANY of my chickens would lay!
I bought my grandsons some chicks last year at this time and all have done well. Had to rehome to roosters but still have four hens and one big friendly rooster named Ken.

They call me every time they get an egg. Hate to be jealous of the grandsons under 7 but I am. Chace called after school to say he got seven today. Darn brats
Oh trust me I have been looking everywhere. Do they bury them in straw? I can't say that I raked through the coop. But I have been looking every where outside too

I, too, had one pullet that showed signs of laying first, but never did. I crawled under all their favorite bushes, raked through leaves...finally I kept them locked up in the run on Mon, and low-and-behold, here was a foreign brown egg (my 2 laying were easter eggers). That day I had a blue, a green and a brown! yesterday, they stayed in the run and I only got one green egg. Today, I'm expecting a brown. So now my question; how long do I have to keep them locked in the run for her to "learn" to lay in the nesting boxes like the other 2? Will she always try to hide them, if given free-range?
I put ceramic eggs in my nesting boxes. They are white and my chickens lay brown or EE eggs, so I can tell when a new egg is laid. So far, I have only had one egg laid somewhere else( under the composter). so I guess it works.

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