Easter Egger club!


They could almost be sisters!


These are my Easter eggers. I have two of them. The smaller one without as many feathers is my too Dr. Suess and the one with more feathers is my hen and her name is Audrey:) They are both skittish, but once they get on the back of your neck they fall asleep lol!!! The bottom pic is an additional pic of my roo while we were on our way home from getting them. I also got four buff Orpingtons. Lost one yesterday morning :( The pics of my Easter egger were from about three weeks ago. Now my roo has more feathers and HUGE feet! My hen is a lot bigger too. Do all Easter eggers have those poofy feathers on there cheeks and chin?
Update on my chick pics:) My other one were taken 3 weeks ago... These were taken about 30 mins ago!

This is Dr. Suess!

Here is a second pic of my roo:)

This is my other Easter egger Audrey!

And a second pic of my hen!
I love my Easter eggers!!! They are so not as friendly as my Buffs, but still beautiful birds. I can't wait until Audrey lays a beautiful egg:)
I got her from a young lady in upstate SC... she has a bunch of them. she has been breeding them for a while and I think she sells the fertile eggs online. I know she has about a half dozen silver chicks right now. funny thing is she said that the silvers are the hardest to sell.... no one wants them she says???? For me It was love at first sight. I just had to have one! If you would like her contact info I could ask her if its alright to pass it along to you... I am sure she could tell you WAY more about them then I can.
I got her from a young lady in upstate SC... she has a bunch of them. she has been breeding them for a while and I think she sells the fertile eggs online. I know she has about a half dozen silver chicks right now. funny thing is she said that the silvers are the hardest to sell.... no one wants them she says???? For me It was love at first sight. I just had to have one! If you would like her contact info I could ask her if its alright to pass it along to you... I am sure she could tell you WAY more about them then I can.    

I think a lot of people would be interested, me included. They're gorgeous. (One of the hatcheries has a photo of their silver EEs on their website.)

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