Easter Egger club!

Okay No name I am positive is a rooster now and naming Tolkien. Jules however is starting to make me wonder. I just noticed it's comb is actually like the Pullets combs just a bit more red. Also tail feathers are hen like and no saddle feathers. ARRGGH! trying to sex these blasted birds is driving me bonkers!
Somebody likes the sci-fi authors but forgot about Asimov and E C Tubb
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HAPPY EASTER to the Easter Egger Club
I have an EE/RIR mix named Tweety. Her dad is an EE and mom is RIR. She is 24 weeks old (6 months?) house chicken and started laying eggs (bluish color) four days. I have 3 EE chicks that are 4 weeks old. Their names are Chi chi, Louise, and Thelma. I don't have their pictures but I do have Tweety's unfortunately I am not able to download at this time.
Hello all I got 4 EE's delivered on Feb 15th, ordered sexed pullets, but we know how that goes. I have my suspicions on two of them to be roos. Thought I should asked some seasoned BYC folks, thanks for the help



I'll try to get better ones if needed
Hello all I got 4 EE's delivered on Feb 15th, ordered sexed pullets, but we know how that goes. I have my suspicions on two of them to be roos. Thought I should asked some seasoned BYC folks, thanks for the help



I'll try to get better ones if needed

None appear male. That is none, have coloration that make me think they are male, and I don't see a red comb. I have a male EE that hatched the week following yours and his comb has been red for a few weeks already.

ETA Great color assortment, by the way! Where did you get them?

The gray one does have a bit of red on the wing it looks like but nothing to the extent or intensity in color of a male, I don't think.
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