Easter Egger club!

A quick update on my now-8 month old EE pullets, Ainsley and Amelia! Very different looking chicks grew into nearly identical adults, but Ainsley has more lacing, is a slightly lighter shade of orange, and much more outgoing than shy Amelia. :) A closeup of happy Ainsley attached too.
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AND... I did adopt a few older hens being retired from a local small farm/breeder, including a gorgeous 3 yr old EE I'm calling Beatrix. She's still working through a rough molt, but she looks to have lavender/blue and buff/cream/wheaten plumage with lovely charcoal cheeks. :love


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Turned 2 this spring
Ah. I have 2 that are about 9 months old that are going into a molt just in time for the below freezing weather. I'm hoping they don't do a full molt, but one looks like she's got a bout of male pattern baldness going on right now.

Hey all. Popping on to share about my EEs. Unfortunely a fox ran through our yard and chased the girls around.. my daughter exclaimed that she was hearing baulking over the Christmas music. Talk about a mood killer! Sure enough as soon as I stepped out dear Sunshine was waddle-rushing along(has a down-tail and waddle gate after a dog attack) and fox loping casually after her. Scared off the fox, found Sunshine... missing the other EE. Now Foxy is still coming around so I know he didn't get a meal but I cannot find our Lady. I have a good feeling she's out on a limb, quite literally, either waiting to return when there less snow present or not sure which way is home. She's the wild one of the two and I always said a fox couldn't take her. Darn thing startles and bolts at the drop of a leaf. Anyway, just getting it out there. :fl I am worried about her and hate not knowing her fate. Here's our Sunshine who is now part time indoors as I won't have her alone in the snowed-in coop full time ... also we really enjoy her company:love
So sorry to hear about your fox issues. I hope your lady comes home to you soon. Do you have the option to put out a live animal trap & relocate the fox?
So sorry to hear about your fox issues. I hope your lady comes home to you soon. Do you have the option to put out a live animal trap & relocate the fox?

I don't feel right in our case relocating fox. We will have to have a larger secure space than we presently have, I'm to blame for not getting them in sooner when the fox came around. They were free ranging essentially. Sigh, those days are over! Lady hasn't returned so I'm thinking realistically about her fate but I still can't help gazing out into our yard hoping I see her wandering around. Here she is. Was a good layer, noisy as anything. What a fuss she made after laying, or leaving the coop. And if she thought something was after her :rolleyes: Told the whole world what was going on with her.

I don't feel right in our case relocating fox. We will have to have a larger secure space than we presently have, I'm to blame for not getting them in sooner when the fox came around. They were free ranging essentially. Sigh, those days are over! Lady hasn't returned so I'm thinking realistically about her fate but I still can't help gazing out into our yard hoping I see her wandering around. Here she is. Was a good layer, noisy as anything. What a fuss she made after laying, or leaving the coop. And if she thought something was after her :rolleyes: Told the whole world what was going on with her.

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I know exactly what you mean. I missed bringing in one of my ladies over the summer and I don't understand why she didn't go up to the coop later that evening. But the next morning I did a head count and was short a chicken. Later I found a pile of feathers for the trail that led into the woods. I felt horrible because it was all my fault. We assumed it was a coyote that got her. After that we didn't let them out for a couple weeks and after we finally started letting them out again it is only supervised and we count chickens every night whether they go free-ranging or not. Earlier this fall we had a stray cat poking around. Fortunately he's gone now. I don't know that he would have hurt the chickens but I don't trust and the unknown animals except the wild bunnies.
A frustrated Buff trying to get past our young EEs frozen in place because they are seeing a light dusting of snow for the first time :lol:
Mine did the same thing! Went out on the ramp, took a look and stopped with a look like "WTH is this stuff?!" I did notice there was some tracks in the snow yesterday which must have been from a few days ago since I haven't been opening their door, but at first I thought they must be mice tracks, but then realized they must be from my little bantam cockerel. At least someone was brave enough to venture out.
Ah. I have 2 that are about 9 months old that are going into a molt just in time for the below freezing weather. I'm hoping they don't do a full molt, but one looks like she's got a bout of male pattern baldness going on right now.

So sorry to hear about your fox issues. I hope your lady comes home to you soon. Do you have the option to put out a live animal trap & relocate the fox?
They always do have such good timing, don't they. :rolleyes: Lucky for us it's been pretty warm lately, considering it's December. :lol:
They always do have such good timing, don't they. :rolleyes: Lucky for us it's been pretty warm lately, considering it's December. :lol:
Same here.. our weather has been fluctuating between SUPER cold and unseasonably warm. It's nice b/c the warmer weather does get rid of the snow that flies when it's cold and gives them a break so I can let them outside, but it's the single digit lows overnight that I could do without. I have a leghorn that doesn't fit well with my NE Ohio weather & I'm concerned w/ his waddle and comb. My eggers have neat little pea combs that are perfect for Ohio weather.

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