Easter Eggers and Bantam Cochins -- Any guesses?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
Northeast Missouri
I know it's still a bit early, but I wanted to see if anyone else had any opinions regarding roo vs. pullet on these chicks. I'm almost POSITIVE that this little guy is a roo. In fact, we've stopped calling him Julie and started calling him Julius, lol. His comb started to pink at 2 weeks old. He's pictured below at 4 weeks.

Julius (above) -- 4 week old Black Cochin Bantam

Next is Karina. I was hoping based on feather pattern that this was a pullet, but "her" comb is starting to turn pink this week.

Karina (above) -- 4 week old Partridge Cochin Bantam

Last cochin, is Sally. I'm nearly positive she's a pullet. She's quite a bit smaller than the other two, and isn't quite as feathered on the legs. I thought she was a buff, but based on how she's feathering out, I think she's a red.

Sally (above) -- 4 week old Red (?) Cochin Bantam

And then my two smallest EEs. They were from the "Pan Fry Special" so I'm assuming they're EEs based on the beard/tufts and leg color. If someone thinks otherwise, let me know! They're only 3 weeks old, but I thought some of the experts might want to give it a guess. :)

First is Buffy. Right now I'm leaning toward pullet.

Buffy (above) -- 3 week old EE

And last is Muffy -- who I have a feeling might be a roo.

Muffy (above) -- 3 week old EE
I really hate to say this, but the only female I see is the Red Cochin. The Pan-Fry special bin is almost always full of males that people don't want.
I also thought the pan-fry assortments were all cockerals. I think your one red cochin is a pullet, all others roos.
You know, I kind of thought that was the case with the Pan Fry Specials. But the store clerk said they were straight run, so I thought what the heck. LOL. Does anyone know when the coloring on the partridge chick will start changing if he's a roo?

I picked up 9 more chicks last Friday! Two actually came from my daughter's school. Her kindergarten class hatched some eggs. They got really good results. They hatched out 12 Jersey Giant/Wyandotte crosses. They also hatched out 4 "mystery chicks." A dozen eggs were left on one of the teacher's cars. They were supposed to be for her to eat (from her neighbor who has chickens). However, they were accidentally placed on the wrong car, and my daughter's teacher thought they were more hatching eggs. In a way, I guess they were, lol!! Those four chicks are sort of a light red/yellow. We have two of them. The farm store also had some new chicks in. We picked up a bearded golden laced polish chick and 6 salmon faverolles. These guys are all straight run, so I'll just have to wait and see what we end up with. :)

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