Easy Water Supply To Styrofoam Incubators


9 Years
Jan 13, 2011
Poestenkill NY (Averill Park address)
Cut a 12" piece of fishtank type tubing. Snake it thru the slot between the cover and base right along with the turner wire. Snake it over to above the primary water trough but outside the perimiter of the turner, to do this you may have to favor the turner to one side. Using a ballpoint pen point press the point thru the wire to make the screen hole round and able to allow the tube to fit thru. Now push the end of the tube thru the screen and down into the trough. You can now fill the tube which will fill the trough using a small funnel, or you can do as i did, as follows....I took a pill bottle, drilled a snug fitting hole for the tube in the bottom of it, I slip the tube up from the bottom into the hole and up a short distance. Now when i hold the bottle upright and pour water into it it goes out the bottom thru the tube and into the trough. BTW when i set the bator up for lockdown i set a second tube up in the same way to the secondary trough. Now i can add water to both areas and control the humidity without opening the bator. This has worked out great for me...... If you have a bator that doesn't have a slot for the turner wire, you can carefully cut a slot in the styrofoam for this purpose, but just be careful not to make it too big or you could lose heat and humidity thru it. "Happy Hatching"
that is a great tid-bit....thanks!
Don't laugh......but I use a turkey baster to shoot the water through the front vent hole. I have sponges lined up to catch the water, seems to work good, but yours is better!
I use aquarium tubing... I put it in my mouth. Let it get a little warm and just let it slide down the tube... Lol. That's just me though.

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