Eating eggs from your own chickens?

b.hromada :


poor guy! He won't be eating any at all if he sees any videos of now those commercial chickens live.​
I never did eat eggs that much at all-I had a problem with it when mine started laying eggs too-after few months started eating them & now have eaten more eggs than I have all my life-what a difference than store bought-you'll never see them in my cart again!! The only problem I have now is eating chicken-can't seem to eat that anymore.
Lots of threads on here saying much the same thing. I've loved over easy all my life but it took me a year of eating my own in egg salad, deviled, scrambled, and so forth to get where I could eat them over easy. Now I am reformed, love them, will still eat store bought if I run out, but much prefer my own.

Same with the meat. Couldn't even try the first one, now prefer my own, still eat store bought but it now feels mushy in the mouth. Time seems to have been all I needed to work it out.
One of my earliest memories is gathering eggs from our hens, so I never experienced it with chickens, but have to admit that many years ago, the first time a friend offered me duck eggs, I wouldn't even TRY eating them. I fed them to the dogs. When we got ducks a several years ago and they started laying, I wasn't nearly as skeptical and after a few duck egg breakfasts, I've found I actually prefer them over chicken eggs. Goose eggs still look a little daunting over easy, but scrambled is GREAT. It IS all psychological ... since the eggs aren't created any different whether you see them in supermarket or in the nestbox.

Eating home-raised meat is a little more complex, since you have KNOWN the animal you are now consuming. I don't think I could eat something I'd designated as a 'pet' but raising meaties or hogs specifically for butcher doesn't bother me anymore.
we love our hen eggs, and I'm someone who will try just about anything, but I have a HUGE mental block about duck eggs. It's crazy and I have to get over it but, I can't even get one close to my mouth.
I kind of look at it as their way of saying thanks for the feed/coop/treats, etc. that we give them. Our chickens have a really good life--way better than what the commercial ops give their chickens. I don't think I could go back to eating store bought eggs.
My husband and I notice a BIG difference when we eat out and have eggs. I'm finding I don't even bother to order eggs out anymore because I don't enjoy the taste. We just smile and say to each other that nothing tops the taste of our lovely eggs.

@equus50---Have you tried to sneak some of your own eggs into the Eggland's carton? I know it's kind of devious!

As far as butchering out chickens, haven't jumped THAT hurdle yet.
I love my fresh eggs. I'll never do store bought eggs again. Maybe the problem is that you'r thinking about the baby chicks they could become if you would let them hatch. I do that, as I break them open I think, oh, what would you be if I hatched you. But I can't have a million chickens (well maybe, no,no I can't).
I would love to try a duck egg.

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