Eating Question?


8 Years
Apr 1, 2015
New question of the day! :) I hope before the month is over I'll be a pro at Chicken Farming!

My chickens were acting hungry; even though their feeder is full. I threw them some lettuce and they all ran to it. When I checked their food, I pshed more feed out into their tray and they all come running? Why are they doing this> They have food but think they're getting something new? I've been giving produce treats almost daily, should I cut back? Like my dog if he gets too many treats he doesn't want his dog food. Is that it?
New question of the day! :) I hope before the month is over I'll be a pro at Chicken Farming!

My chickens were acting hungry; even though their feeder is full. I threw them some lettuce and they all ran to it. When I checked their food, I pshed more feed out into their tray and they all come running? Why are they doing this> They have food but think they're getting something new? I've been giving produce treats almost daily, should I cut back? Like my dog if he gets too many treats he doesn't want his dog food. Is that it?

Yes that's it. I would watch the treats. They shouldn't be getting more than 5%-10% of their diet in treats. They get spoiled pretty fast, and yes, they think you are going to give them something tasty and come running. So limit their treats. BTW, lettuce is not very nutritional. Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, chard, dandelions, other veges like cabbage, broccoli, pumpkin, watermelon (the rinds are very nutritional too) are better choices. Also don't give them much corn in the hot months, as it creates internal heat and chickens don't handle heat well. Corn is good for the colder months.
Oh dear! Thank you for the post! It was hot today and I gave them 2 frozen corn pops then they were eating a lot of gravel, that's probably why! I also froze chunks of kiwi in water, Is kiwi ok because they LOVE strawberries. Oh, I am giving them too many treats. Spoiling them for sure, aren't I? If I keep that up they won't eat their food! Lesson learned!

I have been throwing wild plantain and clover into their pen as they are eating all of the grass that was in there. I will pick up some spinach next week. I have cabbage to try but I'll wait a couple of days? Maybe limit the treat days to 3 times a week?
And yes, I think I've spoiled them already! They seem to think they can decide when bedtime is! Lol!
I have copied your message into my chicken diary for reference along with other posts that have been very helpful! I will get the hang of it all soon :)
Oh dear! Thank you for the post! It was hot today and I gave them 2 frozen corn pops then they were eating a lot of gravel, that's probably why! I also froze chunks of kiwi in water, Is kiwi ok because they LOVE strawberries. Oh, I am giving them too many treats. Spoiling them for sure, aren't I? If I keep that up they won't eat their food! Lesson learned!

I have been throwing wild plantain and clover into their pen as they are eating all of the grass that was in there. I will pick up some spinach next week. I have cabbage to try but I'll wait a couple of days? Maybe limit the treat days to 3 times a week?
And yes, I think I've spoiled them already! They seem to think they can decide when bedtime is! Lol!
I have copied your message into my chicken diary for reference along with other posts that have been very helpful! I will get the hang of it all soon :)

I have totally spoiled my girls. They were sick for almost two months and not eating hardly anything. Thought it was Mareks, but they seem to be getting much better now. They cost me a fortune as I make them a mixture of greens, berries, beets, tomatoes, peas, broccoli, peanut hearts, sesame seeds, black soldier grubs, meal worms, sunflower, egg, you name it!! I put it in the food processor taking stabs at balanced nutrition. They weren't even eating this, but now that they are much improved. I mix some of their feed in with this. It's crazy.

You do have to watch the treats, on the other hand, greens and things are very healthy for them and they should get some. But, I can tell you first hand that it's a royal pain having birds that won't touch their food out of the bag. Once I am sure they are well, I may starve them out (maybe) until they eat their regular food.
Thank you so much for your response. So happy your chickens are doing better! Its the love of our animals that help them get better and survive. Spoiling or not, your'e taking care of them and they love you for it!
My hens are eating their feed very well but sure do love the greens. I pick them a basket full every day and now when they see me coming they know its salad time!
Thank you so much for your response. So happy your chickens are doing better! Its the love of our animals that help them get better and survive. Spoiling or not, your'e taking care of them and they love you for it!
My hens are eating their feed very well but sure do love the greens. I pick them a basket full every day and now when they see me coming they know its salad time!

Yeah - they love the greens. Just a note, corn creates internal heat so it's not the best treat in warm weather.

Do chickens know love beyond that which is food?
My dad says I spend too much time with them :) But I can't help it, I treat them like pets too, I talk to them and sit with them. There's something about animal interaction that soothes the soul! :) Oh and no more corn in the summer! Glad you told me this, I told my sister too that raises chickens in the south that gave me the idea of frezzing corn as a cool treat. I told her to do fruit instead. She didn't know that either about them having trouble digesting it. Thank you!
My dad says I spend too much time with them :) But I can't help it, I treat them like pets too, I talk to them and sit with them. There's something about animal interaction that soothes the soul! :) Oh and no more corn in the summer! Glad you told me this, I told my sister too that raises chickens in the south that gave me the idea of frezzing corn as a cool treat. I told her to do fruit instead. She didn't know that either about them having trouble digesting it. Thank you!

I spend a lot of time with my chickens too. They chill me out! And I need that. They are pets, not "like pets", at least for some chicken owners. You are right about animal interaction. I can be completely stressed out about work and if I go to the barn to see my horse, or start hangin' out with the peeps, I totally forget about it. Do yours know their names? Mine do. I'll call "Pumpkin Head!" and she looks up and gives me the evil eye. If they are not to hell bent on eating clover, they come when I call. They listen to simple commands. Not so dumb.

I'm not sure if the problem with corn is digestability. I think it may have to do with the high starch content and the associated energy (heat) when metabolized. Now I'm going to have to find out for sure!
Hello, yes definitely pets! I thought of naming them but too many are identical. One I named Molly that had trouble at first, she's kinda the runt of my litter. And I agree they're not dumb! Last 2 nights I pretend to be feeding them to get them to come in from their outside pen. Well this worked amazingly for 2 nights. Last night, there's one that's always the first outside and spends a lot of time outdoors. As I went to the trap door to close it she ran back out, naughty girl! She knew what I was up to! :)
I haven't given them anymore corn as I'm not sure it's ok. I will also do more research.
Thanks for your response.
Hello, yes definitely pets! I thought of naming them but too many are identical. One I named Molly that had trouble at first, she's kinda the runt of my litter. And I agree they're not dumb! Last 2 nights I pretend to be feeding them to get them to come in from their outside pen. Well this worked amazingly for 2 nights. Last night, there's one that's always the first outside and spends a lot of time outdoors. As I went to the trap door to close it she ran back out, naughty girl! She knew what I was up to! :)
I haven't given them anymore corn as I'm not sure it's ok. I will also do more research.
Thanks for your response.

Corn is a good thing when it's cold out. Helps to keep them warm.

I've always herded mine with a long stick, or two (one in each hand), telling them to get in the house! They get used to it, at least mine always have, and respond quite well. One stick does it now! Tapping it a few times to make a bit of noise helps. Sometimes they will try to escape from the walk to their coop, but the stick keeps them in line.

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