Edible eggs?


Jul 21, 2017
I am worming my backyard flock just for worm prevention because ive never wormed them before. I don't think they have worms but recently had a chick that did and want to be safe. With the wormer can I eat their eggs?
I dont have a pick of the worms but heres the wormer.
That is not a wormer.
It has DE which will not treat a worm infestation(tho many think and say it will),
but if you read the ingredient label carefully I'm betting you will see that it is mostly bentonite clay.
So yeah, you can eat the eggs, but if you really have worms in your birds, find another solution.
Diatomaceous earth is the ground skeletons of plankton. It has very sharp edges (but looks to us like a powder) and theoretically the bugs will walk across it and it scrapes their skin and they dehydrate.

Once wet, though, it forms a paste and doesn’t harm anything. I used it last year (nice and dry) indoors to try to kill ants and it didn’t do anything. Some people swear by it but it’s said to harm humans and chickens if we inhale it. Not for me, thanks.

I can’t imagine bentonite would do anything but perhaps help firm up diarrhea. Maybe.
Diatomaceous earth is the ground skeletons of plankton. It has very sharp edges (but looks to us like a powder) and theoretically the bugs will walk across it and it scrapes their skin and they dehydrate.

Once wet, though, it forms a paste and doesn’t harm anything. I used it last year (nice and dry) indoors to try to kill ants and it didn’t do anything. Some people swear by it but it’s said to harm humans and chickens if we inhale it. Not for me, thanks.

I can’t imagine bentonite would do anything but perhaps help firm up diarrhea. Maybe.
So is ok to keep giving to my chickens once in a while?

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