Edit: Today is the big day... first time processing

Looks good I would wear waterproof shoes because I use lots of water rinsing the chickens and the table and it can pool up by the end of the day. Also be sure to micromanage the water temp in the 185 to 195 range because if the temp is off you can set the feathers in harder rather than loosen them.  

Ready with the boots on.
maybe I'll have time to make one for the next time. I do have an extra blue barrel. Guess I would need the fingers and a motor and what ever other miscellaneous parts.
The other part is where to store all the stuff. Good thing I have a large shed.

Did you find how to make that on here?

Here is today's setup

Looking good, we built a big 2 story barn but our own design. Lol its full.
I kill deep in the woods so that animals come and clean up the blood and stuff that night then the next day I move all my stuff to the house bleach it and put it up.

P.S: Keep the sharpener from from that outdoor edge kit handy the knife has to be super sharp to kill quickly and painlessly.
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I'm half way done but I'm experiencing a problem with yellow jackets. All over the place. All over the trash can and the ground under the table. Kind of annoying
what do you put whole chicken? i guess i didn't think about that... or didn't think they were this big... obviously i need some thing I can use right now... saran wrap? freezer paper? a huge ziplock bag?
I used the shrink wrap bags. If you use ziplock. Make sure you suck out all air I would also wrap with freezer wrap over the top for added protection.
have to remember this for next time. None of them would fit into a gallon size ziplock.

I can definitely see where the chicken plucker come in handy. The plucking is the longest part. Being able to toss the birds in one of those would save tons of time.

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