Edit: *Young Pullet Laying Soft Eggs*

Another thing: Whenever someone is in the nesting box, all the other birds crowd around and squawk kinda like " chick-chick-chick-BAWK." Is this normal? The bird actually laying the egg is usually quiet. While I'm at it talking about my wired birds, I'm going to mention that they don't like treats, except fern and berries, which they find themselves. They don't like lettuce, watermelon, dandelion greens... :idunno
I had a couple of hens test out the nest boxes a few days before they started laying. Maybe she's doing that, if that soft egg isn't hers.
Not to scare you but this happened last night to me. My leghorn was on the nest in the early evening so i kind of moved her to see if she laid an egg but nothing so i let her be and checked her every hour or two and nothing. This morning she had passed away they are 19wks. Read about egg bound I believe this was the culprit since all my other hens are doing fine. Good luck and I'll be watching to see how it goes. I'm new to all of this so I feel bad that this happened. Just tthought I'd let you know about my experience.
pheasntpro, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's always terrible to lose a pet, or any family member. :hugs

Luckily, she finally came out at about three this afternoon. She pooped out a bunch of liquid but seems to be acting fine after that (eating, drinking, pooping normally, chasing those smaller and weaker than herself... :rolleyes: ). Maybe she went into the box as a misguided attempt to escape the heat...? In any event, I'll see how she is tomorrow! :fl
Well sure glad to hear she's acting better!
Hopefully it was just the heat.
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My white plymouth rock did the same exact behavior the day she laid her first egg (she was only 19 weeks). Unfortunately it has been in the 90s here and hot. I have been putting cold or ice water all over the yard and in the coop and run (in addition to the regular nipple waterers). Now (5 days later) she lays and runs.

My next pullet (an easter egger) is trying hard to lay an egg. She has had the same behavior - one nesting box to the next, then out of the coop, then nesting in the "porch" of the hen house, then wandering around the yard. Seems she tries for an hour or so then goes back to normal. Weird. Seems like they are going to die or something when they are that upset. Plus the mouth hangs open, either from the heat or from the stress of it all.
I found another soft egg under the roost this morning. It must have surprised her. What could be causing this? I'm supplying them with oystershell and the other pullets are laying nicely. Could it be that she is just a new layer?

Also, are the soft shells more dangerous? Can they get stuck inside her more easily?
It could be because she's just young and her system is having a few hiccups. Other reasons are a deficiency of calcium, like you mentioned, or of vitamin D. But if your hens are getting a complete layer feed, these shouldn't be a problem.

I don't know if soft shell eggs are any harder to pass than regular ones. Hopefully someone else does.
I am currently giving them starter/grower and offering oystershell and eggshells free choice, because I have three month old pullets in the flock which can't have the layer feed. Any recommendations on how o better do this?

@UrchinWhat are good sources of vitamin D I can give them? Thanks!

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