Quote: I bet you had some interesting discussions with your English teachers in school

How's Rocky doing? Still hanging in there?
I bet you had some interesting discussions with your English teachers in school :p

How's Rocky doing? Still hanging in there?

He's alive, and that's it. :/
His wings are droopy now. I'll probably have my neighbour take care of him tomorrow... I had a good long think about it, and I think it's a bit strange to invest time & money into an extra cockerel that's aggressive....

But then I feel guilty for playing favourites- I know if this was my Sweet Jazz I'd be staying up with her all night, making sure she was okay.
Yeah, I understand, believe me. That's the not-so-fun part of raising/keeping chickens or any livestock. If they don't, for whatever reason, fit into the long-term plan, you have decisions to make which are not always easy.


Rocky has always been an odd ball, which I suspect is why he got caught. The guineas went up, the chooks headed for the woods, and he.... spun in circles. :confused:
Quote: Yeah, I understand, believe me. That's the not-so-fun part of raising/keeping chickens or any livestock. If they don't, for whatever reason, fit into the long-term plan, you have decisions to make which are not always easy.
I have 4 cockerels I need to butcher this weekend. Three of them I have no problem with, but the fourth is the spitting image of his daddy. Part of me says keep him, in case I lose Tucker. On the other hand, keeping him makes no sense 'cause he's the result of a cross; no guarantee that he'll throw a look-alike.
Not the sharpest crayon in the box, huh? You'll have this. I'm gonna be spinning in circles myself tomorrow if I don't carry my butt to bed. Talk at you later

Nope. He's also the one that used to sit with his head in a corner.... Just standing there, chillin.

Me too- stayed up way to late yesterday :frow
Go gently one by one and pluck in a direction that't not going to tear the skin.


It's just making the wound bleed again.... :(

If you pluck it you will disturb the blood clot! Wash it with some warm water soap, and then disinfectant with some disinfectant and then spread on it antibiotic ointment and cover it with some gauze and then cover it

Plucking is what is recommended in veterinary text books, and I have done this to several and have not had any issues with bleeding. Plucking the feathers will allow for proper cleansing of the wound.


So? Logick say if you have some loose pieces of skin, around the wound and you pluck them, the pooling motion will tare the clot, cousing bleeding.
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