yeezus dont everyone chat at once now ya hear? I cant keep up with yall anymore
Ain't it lonesome tonight err tomorning?
I know the feeling mine were ducking heads when they stood up or hit top of brooder
it was just too cold outside for them! those crele orphs get freakin huge right away!

I'm not worried about the cold, they've been without a light in unheated detached garage for bout 3 weeks. If they ain't ready than it sucks to be them. How many Crele Orps you have now?

I got a package today sorry you didnt

it finally arrived to my local PO like 20 minutes ago

I just told the older kids to keep him penned up if the little ones go out, and i'll be seeing what happens with the turkey eggs in the incubator. He may still end up thanksgiving dinner ;) and I may get a chance to hand-raise another tom who's a little more personable towards people.

Mr. Peepers is nice enough to me, but he's not as dog-like as some people describe turkey's being, so we can always try again and breed for friendliness.
cant wait to see how the turkey eggs do!

Sally, are you familiar with Shutterfly? More importantly, their free offers?
i love shutterfly, and especially their free offers!

I was using Pampers, and entering the Pampers points. One day (2015) I got an email from Pampers saying I could get a free ornament from Shutterfly. I have since gotten about six cloth totes, calendars, coasters, magnets, playing cards, mugs, tumblers, a poster, hundreds of photos, ... I am about to receive a free cellphone cover ($60 on the site, I think $9 shipping). They are offering another free cellphone cover too!
I am offered so many free things! I don't mind the shipping.
i have a crapton of their stuff

I just traded all the marshmallows out of my Lucky Charms for an I Pad charger.
lol, how'd you score that deal

hah - yeah, I routinely hug him and he hates it. He has a submit to me, behavior because he sees i'm bigger than him, and I thought it was due to size, but he elaves the girl children alone. One is 6, and one is 1....................... and the boys are 13 and almost 3, and he chases both of them and acts mean to them.

It really is a sexism thing............. so for my next TOM turkey... suggestions?
have the boys hand raise them
nope they are in my shower..... Bumblefoot
I did do successful surgery though and they seem to be doing better. This weather needs to knock it off so we can get a new pen up and they can roam on the grass like beepers were meant to
. thank goodness for beach towels-they have TEETH now!!!
glad you caught it

It is now past my bedtime. the medicine that is supposed to help me sleep makes me forget a lot-especially conversations I have right after taking it. I am taking enough stuff to put a horse down and am still not sleeping more than 3 hours at a time
The therapist is now looking at links to why my hand is doing what it is. she is thinking hypersensitivity to stimuli-usage, cold, anything touching my hand or wrist for more than a few minutes..... I do have to say I like her. She is trying to help me and truly acts concerned and cares. It is a good feeling that someone is trying to figure it out!
glad you have a good one finally!!

The rain has started and I have another broody. She won't move even being gently prodded with the shovel I was picking eggs up with. Or at least trying to pick up eggs. She literally attracts the shovel.

I'll have to get her off this spot as it's supposed to rain all week.
throw a tarp over her lol


My two chicks and ducky have hatched
I have a few more chicken eggs to put in the incubator

I might check in later as sleeping has not been my forte. But I will not meet you crazies for coffee. Nothing to eat or drink until after I get a steroid shot tomorrow. Hospital is an hour away so I need to leave right after I am done chasing the sock monster.
Good luck!!!!

Popcorn time!
two chicks, 8 pips, 2 zips in progress.
yayyyy!!! hey, how deep are those baskets?? i am looking to order some

hey now!! I do have a brooder ready and heated with food and water!! Hows that for confidence
great 'cause your eggs are due today!
I know the feeling mine were ducking heads when they stood up or hit top of brooder
it was just too cold outside for them! those crele orphs get freakin huge right away!
I kept my SH inside for 3 months cos I didn't feel like running heat out there, and believe me you ain't lived until you've seen two black blurs go bombing around the basement for exercise every morning

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