Bubbles this is for you!
The temp today!
Oh gosh..I'm one of those people who talk to anyone and everyone. Unless I get a red flag feeling.

The boy has asked me in the past after a vibrant and hearty discussion with someone...who they are. My answer is usually "I don't know...someone from such and such place! :lau And people tell me a lot of personal stuff. My vault is HUGE!

ME TOOOOO! Total strangers tell me EVERYTHING! I don't even have to really reply, they just keep talking. DD1 says "what is it with you?" I seriously don't know, its the weirdest thing. I think that might be one of the reasons I hide in my antisocial cave where they cant find me.
My daughters upset, one of our smaller silkie-cross chickens died. I warned her it happens, all it takes is a dog stepping on it, a kid tripping over it, whatever. IT happens, it's sad and it really sucks :( But sometimes things die. It wasn't mauled like a dog attacked it. We have enough chickens that the loss of 1 won't be the end of the world and we have so many we can't even name them all anymore. And, apparently, it was a rooster? LOL I don't know. I'm sorry she's sad, but... I don't feel awful over it? If it was my chicken star, maybe? LOL Or one of my other chickens that I am more attached too.

Edit : She did say that the neighbors dog was over at our house yesterday, a chihuahua??? so it's possible that he might have broke it's neck and we didn't find it until this morning.

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