Well I'm finally getting around to selling off my corn snakes. Had them for three years but there's just so much on my plate that I can't be a good owner to them.

Tuesday I go by the hospital to visit the OB, get my glucose screening results, and talk about final prep for November. We're in the home stretch now! We ordered the cabinetry for the nursery and we need to get the crib soon. Still waiting on the carseat and stroller to come in, Husband's dad might not have gotten it yet and the one we ordered from the store still hasn't come in. :barnie
Little buckling born yesterday afternoon.
YEYYY THE AUTUMN IS COMMING!! What a wonderful thing!
The problem is that no one told it to Israel!
Bubbles this is for you, our temp tomorrow! :he

View attachment 1127820
Come visit you will enjoy it! :lau

Our lows aren't even that bad yet! :lau

Because deer used to be so plentiful that the skin of one was worth the same as a dollar, hence the slang term 'buck'.

Um no. The earliest reference to a buck was 1748, there were not US dollars until the coin act of 1792. It was fur trading lingo, I'm surprised you don't know that being from where you are.

Why do you all come up to my land to hunt then? :hmm :lau

I don't!

Do NOT put water on it, it will dry it out more. Vaseline is better.

Yes, it should hatch fine if you haven't peeled too much away.


You have to keep away your dogs around this dud!
He "likes" them very much! :lau
View attachment 1127953


Well...go ahead and tell me....
What does a dog taste like?


Little buckling born yesterday afternoon.
View attachment 1128014 View attachment 1128015

:love Congratulations!

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