I wish I had a whole day off with Bill-in full health to get things moving around here. Got the 2 bedroom tubs with the new seramas cleaned, the new cage with the BCM"S, CL, Icelandics, Mottled javas and ayam cemanis all set up and the middle group of seramas all fresh and clean. The rest have to wait until tomorrow. I think I will have dinner and call it a night. I am thankful that he has a good job to provide for us especially since I'm off but it's hard not having your husband home 75% of the time. I think I swear Isaw him more when he was in Indy. When you work 12's plus the drive, your days are very short....
I wish I had a whole day off with Bill-in full health to get things moving around here. Got the 2 bedroom tubs with the new seramas cleaned, the new cage with the BCM"S, CL, Icelandics, Mottled javas and ayam cemanis all set up and the middle group of seramas all fresh and clean. The rest have to wait until tomorrow. I think I will have dinner and call it a night. I am thankful that he has a good job to provide for us especially since I'm off but it's hard not having your husband home 75% of the time. I think I swear Isaw him more when he was in Indy. When you work 12's plus the drive, your days are very short.... :/

Big hugs!

NO :he

I don't like pickles.

I want some turkey salad with pickles in it!
I had key word had an Orpington's rooster that was like that. His son however would follow me every

He's SO mean!!! He has a thing for my daughter, I guess because she's small lol but he got her twice today! Thankfully it was with his feet and not his beak... he pecked my back one time while I was stopped over repairing a piece of their fence and the **** thing left a hole in me! That's why I'm hoping I can figure out this incubating mess and hatch a new roo lol then it's to the dinner table with the big mean "Regi"

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