We have our own calendar and all the holidays is according it.

So Hanukkah is always in 25 of the month of Kislev כ"ה כסלו

And it could vary if you compare it to the Gregorian calender.

Wild boars are native here, and are one of the hunting animal, especially by the Christian community and some of Jewish people that don't mind eating them.

Catholicism calendar is wild too. All by the moon and solstices. Easter varies dramatically every year.

They're what we call in the mammalian world, Rocky Mountain Oysters.
I've never cooked the poultry variety though.


I took this photo during processing to help explain rooster behavior to a friend - testicle on the left, heart on the right. I think she may have replied with a snide comment about males in general... :lau

- Ant Farm

Something about being bigger than the heart?

Bingo. And that's just one of them. 

She thought it was hysterical... :lol:

- Ant Farm 

Can you imagine the ones of a Right whale? 1100 lb!
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Okay quick question - newbie here - is there any hope for a detached air sac on day 7 of incubation? Thank you so much in advance!!
We have our own calendar and all the holidays is according it.

So Hanukkah is always in 25 of the month of Kislev כ"ה כסלו

And it could vary if you compare it to the Gregorian calender.

Wild boars are native here, and are one of the hunting animal, especially by the Christian community and some of Jewish people that don't mind eating them.

Catholicism calendar is wild too. All by the moon and solstices. Easter varies dramatically every year.

They're what we call in the mammalian world, Rocky Mountain Oysters.
I've never cooked the poultry variety though.


I took this photo during processing to help explain rooster behavior to a friend - testicle on the left, heart on the right. I think she may have replied with a snide comment about males in general... :lau

- Ant Farm

Something about being bigger than the heart?

Now you understand way they crow so much!
Okay quick question - newbie here - is there any hope for a detached air sac on day 7 of incubation? Thank you so much in advance!!

Read this I once copy it from some place you will find some ideas,
(It isn't my post!)

Detached air cells will move all around the egg when you move them. If they are doing this, in my opinion there are a few things to do to improve your odds of hatching the eggs successfully.

One, move them to an upright position, if they are not already in it. Egg cartons work wonders. In my opinion you want them very upright, not just slanted with the big end farther up, such as people often set them in Brinseas.

Two, stop turning them-- for the most part. You've turned them adequately for the first 11 days and that is very positive. This is when the embryo needs turning most of all, to help the blood vessels grow throughout the egg and to prevent the small embryo and its yolk sac from becoming stuck to one side.

From what I have learned about turning, which is more important in some birds such as parrots, it is mostly about the allantoic membrane, and its growth throughout the egg. By the halfway point in incubation, the allantoic membrane, which we see during candling as the network of blood vessels, should cover the entire egg. Which means you should see veining throughout the egg now, or very nearly. This is why during the second half of incubation, turning is far less crucial. This is lucky for your case. If I were you I would probably give them one rotation a day, in an upright position, but being sure that their air cells are always in a "normal" position at the top of the egg. Just "spin" the eggs in their cartons (if you choose cartons) once per day.

Three, I like to turn the humidity down quite a lot, if it is not already low. The air cell when detached will probably not grow. Thus, the last thing you want is to have chicks hatching in wet eggs, and if the air cells can grow, you want to encourage it as much as possible. I'm thinking quite low, like 30% or so, if not lower. Some people incubate at these percents normally. I would also highly suggest that when you go into lockdown, you refrain from raising the humidity much (if at all) until you see external pips. Then raise it to around normal for hatching; 60-65%. Your goal is to have the chicks pierce through the membrane and breathe, with what air space they have. That is most important of all.

I find that high humidity will soften the membrane, sometimes making it a bit gooey, and making the entire egg wetter. For a chick that may already have difficulty finding a dry space in which to breathe, the last thing you want is the membrane to be gooey and for there to be any liquid in its way. Usually, in most species, I do not bump humidity at all until I know they have internally pipped, but if you are very worried, 40-50% is probably a decent compromise. However, the membrane usually does not dry until it is hit by the outside air, as the inside of the egg is naturally moist. Fans will especially dry out the membrane. That is why it is probably best that you bump humidity as soon as you see the first external pip. Some eggs may be behind, but again, there are lots of compromises to be made.

You also must make some decisions. In the end, it is generally preferable that the membrane dries and the chicks must be assisted out of their eggs than the chicks drowning in their eggs before they can pip. It is a compromise I have taken before. Sometimes, or in some cases, you may need to assist, but it is possible that if you are careful, things will be all right. For example, I had an egg with a detached air cell last year, a silkie chick, and from the start of incubation I incubated it in an egg carton and only rotated it a few times. I found the less I turned it, the more stable the air cell became. So by half point I stopped turning almost entirely. Around 5-6 days before hatching I did stop entirely. I went into lockdown as I usually do, with modest humidity, and lo and behold, that egg was the very first to pop out. Fast, and energetic, and without a single issue.

It can be successful! I just highly recommend making sure you don't get the eggs

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I need to go nosy at Liz's profile, I miss her!!! @DwayneNLiz

hmmm Liz is off the hook, she been doing the contests, but I wont let her off the hook much longer!!

Yea but slowly is better then none at all.


You know how she is. Has to read absolutely EVERYTHING.

yes I know that, is their a word for people like that?

you too!??!!

I can think of lots of words for her

no I think liz is something more extraordinary I mean
uggggh whats the word!!


lol she is that as well!!! Love ma Liz
love you too sally


(OCD, but in alphabetical order...)

- Ant Farm


i cant see the things you made of Benny

@DwayneNLiz READ FASTER!!!!

Anyone who has or who ever has had a horse, what do they cost roughly to keep? And how much space to they need, stable wise.
i like Daxi's guestimate, i dont pay for hay, but $5/bale @ 1/2 bale (less really but i like to over estimate)/day = 75+20grain+ 16farrier (40every 8-12 wks for barefoot horse)
then if you do vet stuff or whatever it will be more

what kind of duck is this!!

Nice visit, no pictures everything is in molt!

But we saw the chicken people film !
LOL, what did you think of the chicken crazies??
Grammar Nazi indeed. Haven't learned the proper usage of there/their since I was first taught in grade school, so it's probably not going to happen.
we have all tried to help though
@DwayneNLiz Helloooooooo. Where are you? What ARE you doing
Alas!! i am here!!
I think she's given up on us
never, i had to close up contests then get caught up on the HAL and other threads
Coz I didn't think she'd give up on the rest of y'all that quick.
i dont give up on people
You may appreciate a present my wife's friend gave her for Christmas. It was a towel emblazoned with the phrase - "I'm afraid if I give up wine, I'll have to replace it with murder".

I ran across this video after watching that.

And this one sans power tools. I would think you'd cool that shoe down first.

I like that wine quote lol

i prefer hot-shoeing, better, tighter fit, cold shoes seem to get loose faster and not hold up as well

Next week we will celebrate Hanukkah for 8 days ( yes 8 days off!
) and there is a custom in this holiday to eat fried delicates
So you have the usual donuts with hundreds of fillings
And from North Africa we have the "Spinj" that what you are seeing
And from east Europe you have the "latkes" made with potatoes and onion ect.

But as much as l love them, I can't let myself eat them!
My dear mother is an EXPERT in making them!
Happy Chanukkah Benny
those foods look delicious

Some farmers from the nord of Israel had problems with wild boars ruining the kibbutz orchid.
So they came to the Zoology park of Tel Aviv and took some lions scate, put it in a sack and draged it all over the orchid. No more boars!
You can use the same method, wolves, bears, mountain lion urine or scate will do.
i have effectively used wolf urine to stave off bears
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