Hello everybody!
I'm a first time incubator, and already fretting like the proverbial mother hen... worried I may have botched my first batch of eggs.
Last night after turning my eggs I forgot to wrap the incubator back up in its little homemade insulating sweater, and didn't notice till morning. The incubator was about two degrees cooler than it normally is for about 8 hours, though it didn't drop below 98 in the incubator at any point.
The eggs have only been in the incubator for five days, so my guess was that they're at an especially temperature sensitive stage? What's the prognosis guys? Late hatch? Dead embryos?

they may hatch a day late, but i wouldnt worry! Did you calibrate you thermo and hygro??


Sweet!! :thumbsup
Have you tried having them all watch as you take the head off a freeloader?    I make sure the axe sits just inside the door of the coop when they slow down too much....

Or sharpen the axe in front of them, it gets them talking and they realize they need to pay rent...:lau

I've butchered 6 roosters, two turkeys a duck and a rabbit in plan sight, doesn't seem to make a difference on the chickens though the ducks always pick up again afterwards. Smart little birds my ducks are.
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Big Molly just had baby's. :hit but a bunch where premature and I had to scoop them out but she gave birth to from what I see 30 healthy baby's are so far healthy and alive babys
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Hello everybody!
I'm a first time incubator, and already fretting like the proverbial mother hen... worried I may have botched my first batch of eggs.
Last night after turning my eggs I forgot to wrap the incubator back up in its little homemade insulating sweater, and didn't notice till morning. The incubator was about two degrees cooler than it normally is for about 8 hours, though it didn't drop below 98 in the incubator at any point.
The eggs have only been in the incubator for five days, so my guess was that they're at an especially temperature sensitive stage? What's the prognosis guys? Late hatch? Dead embryos?


I doubt you'll have problems, maybe slightly delayed, but not exactly something to worry over.

they may hatch a day late, but i wouldnt worry! Did you calibrate you thermo and hygro??

X2! As long as its a forced air incubator, that little bit won't make too much of a difference. Just don't panic when they don't hatch on their due date :)
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Forgot to add- Still air or forced? What temp you running? Calibrated? Do the eggs still have ventilation with the "sweater"?

Forced air. Uncalibrated digital Accurite thermometer/hydro combination sensor* at 100 with incubator thermostat set to 99.8. I wrap the sides of the incubator, so the air vent on top isn't covered.

*I'm using one of those fancy indoor outdoor weather stations for my thermometer. I just stuck the outdoor sensor inside the incubator. I was nervous about trying to calibrate the thermometer since it's got built in bluetooth signal stuff all wrapped up in there. The Accurite brand sensor and the thermostat on the bator were perfectly synced on trial runs. They could be spit on or happen to be off by exactly the same amount.
Forced air. Uncalibrated digital Accurite thermometer/hydro combination sensor* at 100 with incubator thermostat set to 99.8. I wrap the sides of the incubator, so the air vent on top isn't covered.

*I'm using one of those fancy indoor outdoor weather stations for my thermometer. I just stuck the outdoor sensor inside the incubator. I was nervous about trying to calibrate the thermometer since it's got built in bluetooth signal stuff all wrapped up in there. The Accurite brand sensor and the thermostat on the bator were perfectly synced on trial runs. They could be spit on or happen to be off by exactly the same amount.


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