I also have cat food didn't know who's any good for them I know they like to steal it if they're out free-ranging and I feed the barn cat.

I don’t know about the cat food, it’s not good for all animals. I know that cat food is too complex for a dog, and can kill it.
A few times is ok when in dire need, but a lot of the things I've been reading (mind you, these were studies done on broilers) suggest that too much taurine (daily or weekly feedings of cat food, from what I gather) can wreck their mucus production and cause serious problems down the road. Take that with a grain of salt, though. I'm still looking into it.
funny, my chickens like my goat child but not as much as the goats like the chicken feed they will crawl through the little 9 inch door to the chicken coop I don't how The Yearling goat can get through a whole of that small but they will.

I was going to say the chickens seem to like the goat chow, but not nealrly as much as the goats like the chicken feed. I briefly took down some fence between the chickens and my bucks, the bucks crawled through the tiny poop door to the coop to get to the chicken food.
I just hope the twin baby boers that were born yesterday survive this cold. I wish I could be home to keep changing the hot pad like I did yesterday. They're in a heated barrel, but these below zero temperatures are killer literally
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I just hope the twin baby boers tthatwere born yesterday survive this cold. I wish I could be home to keep changing the hot pad like I did yesterday. They're in a heated barrel, but these below zero temperatures are killer literally

It’s looking like maybe another day of this and we get into a warming trend.

Spent the weekend changing out all of the overhead door openers here on the farm and house. Put in commercial openers, Wi-Fi enabled, battery back-up, belt drive. Man they are nice and I love having the app to be able to see which doors are open and closed on my phone plus being able to control them from anywhere. Tired of having controllers on both sun visors of the truck, hitting the wrong one or not having it because I left it in something else.
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Now you only have to worry about livestock on the Internet!
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Btw, I saw you yesterday.
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Okay guys, some help here please, I thought I had one more bag of feed and I don't it's brutally cold do not to Bandy cheeks are other people's level or where I grew up, but for around here than the single digits in the negatives are cold especially when the other day it was 60 it just makes the animals and everybody miserable.
I have enough to feed them some but not the normal feeding for tomorrow. I'm mixing up a bunch of old cornbread that I have around with some extra eggs in it any other suggestions?
Some greens, orange, and red, fruits for vitamins.
Do you have chickens vitamins ? You can put some of them in water over the bred.

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