EE Cross Beak 2 weeks getting really boney!


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 14, 2012
Today I noticed that one of my EE chicks has a crossed beak. I didn't notice it until today. I'm having a hard time telling if she is eating or not, all the chicks feel the same to me.

Here are some pictures. I'm concerned about how much worse it's going to get if it looks like this at 2 weeks. What can I do? For what it's worth, I can't really afford a vet visit right now. But I'd really, really like to avoid culling if at all possible.

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And do I trim the top or bottom beak? I've tried filing the bottom but I don't think it helped very much...I tried to give her a yogurt/chick starter mash but she wouldn't eat it. I've watched her eat, it looks like she is having trouble keeping it in her mouth, like she drops it before she can swallow. :( She is feeling much bonier in the chest than the other chicks. Please help me!
I have an EE chick about 3 1/2 weeks old. Her cross beak is pretty bad. I keep a deep dish with crumbles in it. She goes face first in the dish. She eats pretty well I have been keeping a close eye on her though. I have not trimmed her beak back because I don't see how it will help. I will post a pic of her later.

This is Gracie.

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I have a hen we received from some people who got in way over their heads with chicks. Anyways they thought since they were so small they had plenty of room but when they got older the pen became too small for them. We took 5 off their hands including Pippy. Due to being in such a cramped space with the others the hens were picking on each other and fights were insane in such cramped quarters. Anyways the owners decided to trim the hens beaks. He was a newbie and made a mistake leaving her with a crossed beak. She is our sweetest hen. A bit smaller than the rest but it adds to her character. She takes food like any of the others and isn't afraid to step up and fight for herself. We have probably had her the longest of all of our hens but she isn't anywhere near the oldest yet. She follows us around the yard and acts like any of the others. Her handicap is hardly noticeable. Just make sure your chick is getting all the food and water it needs and it should figure out how to hold it's own.

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