EE/ Cuckoo Maran cross chicks will these be EE or mutts-Update w/picts


11 Years
Apr 8, 2008
I have pips! So eggcited!! Will these babies be EE or Mutts?
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Strictly speaking, Easter Eggers already ARE mutts, so crossing them with Marans will produce more mutts.

That being said, some of my favorite birds ever I created by crossing PB Ameraucanas with Marans. I wound up with a Blue Cuckoo pullet, and several wild type birds who were black with gold hackles and who laid nice olive green eggs. We called them Olive Eggers. Great fun.

Your birds will likely be OEs too.

I have cuckoo maran girls and some beautiful ee roos! I cannot wait for them to come of age. Next year I'll be able to hatch some oliver eggers! Technically yes, these will be mutts beyond their EE ancestry, however mutts can be some of the most beautiful chickens! You should see my Stinkerbelle cochin/EE mix!
Hey I just ran across this thread and I've got a question that hopefully somebody here will know the answer to. I just hatched out 3 EE X Cuckoo Marans chicks. I also just read that Cuckoos can usually be sexed at birth since the boys are lighter. Has either of you found that to be true with the Olive Egger cross? Just wondering if it still works with a cross.... and does anybody have pics of chicks now a bit older?? Any help would be appreciated greatly. I'm in the city and my kids and I get very attached. We've given away to undercover roos so far this year and it's been difficult... the sooner the better with the new babies!


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