EE eggs changing color?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Oct 5, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns VA
I have two EE hens that are laying and at first they would greenish\\blue eggs which was very cool. One of them after about a week of laying small greenish eggs started laying brown eggs. Now after about 4 months the other is as well.
Will they switch colors like that often or will they lay brown eggs from now on?


Some "EE" are a cross--- so it MAY be the brown egg genetics are taking over????
Also-- what are they eating?? Are they getting less fresh foods and more grain/mash now that the weather has turned??

We were told that the more fresh fruits/veggies they get the brighter the egg colors... try getting the "reduced" produce from the grocers once or twice a week... the brighter/darker the colors the better!
We feed them whole corn and layer pellets free choice, they also free range during the day. My wife tosses the scrap fruits and veggies every day into the yard for them. All the chickens are very healthy and cared for. was just wondering, was all excited about the colored eggs and now they are brown just like the rest of the eggs. I sell a few dozen a week at work and when I started adding a green egg to each dozen my customers thought it was the neatest thing they ever saw.

They may be crossbred as well, I did get them from a local source at 6 weeks old. Was told when I got them that half were EE and the other half were Aracanas. I lost most of them to a family of raccoons at 12 weeks. These were the two that were left and the have the tufts of feathers on the face so I figured that they were EE's.

I will just have to get some more EE chickens next year.

Some of our EEs lay green/blue eggs and some lay brown/ pink eggs. Some times they get a little lighter or darker, but I didn't think they could completely change color.
Well, My EE's must have been molting because I got a green egg yesterday and today. I had seen them in the nesting boxes over the last few weeks and thought they were still laying but they must have been faking. I also found a pile of eggs, (6) all brown, in the corner of the house under a shelf. It had to be a tight fit to get in there to lay an egg. Anyway I am glad that the eggs did not change color.



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