EE hen missing feathers at her neck-why??


9 Years
May 19, 2010
Franklin, TN
My 1 year old EE hen, Violet, is missing a bunch of feathers at her neck, right under her chin (if chickens have chins) and partway down her chest. The area isn't red, doesn't seem to be irritated. It is a vertical strip of missing feathers about an inch long and maybe a half inch wide. She went through a molt this winter but is now back to her normal self. She's eating well, has a large area to free range in with the others, is laying 4-5 eggs a week and the rest of her feathers are gorgeous.
After her molt, she went to the bottom of the pecking order and one of our GLW's was picking on her but she's holding her own. The 'picking on' was more poking at her with a beak to get her away from treats though there's always plenty to go around. She's getting her own just fine, especially with our recent influx of cicadas.
I haven't noticed any other hens pecking at that area, or her. She seems perfectly healthy otherwise so I'm pretty baffled. The spot seems to be getting bigger though slowly.
Any help would be appreciated. I can post a pic tomorrow if I can get one. You can't actually see the spot unless you are holding her and you lift up her head.
The only thing that has changed over the last month (and we noticed this feather issue about 2 weeks ago) is that we contained the hens into a smaller area (it is still about 300 s/f for 4 hens) to keep them away from our garden beds and deck area we are building.
Keep watching. Somebody is picking out the feathers. They can be sneaky that way.
That seems like a weird spot - but thanks - I'll see if I can do a stake out this weekend to see if one of the girls is getting after her worse than I thought. Should I worry terribly or is this normal?

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