EE laid first egg 4 days ago and not one since


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 10, 2014
Do I need to be worried? My EE laid her first egg Saturday, at about 19-20 weeks of age. It was a little misshapen and kinda big and had two yolks. It was a greenish gray in color. In the last 3 days, there have not been any green eggs in the nests. She is acting fine, eating and drinking and scratching around the yard like always. I've looked on the floor of the coop and out in the chicken yard, but I see no evidence of another egg. Should I be concerned that she hasn't laid another egg, or is this normal for her breed? Could she be laying brown eggs and the green one was a fluke? This is our first time with chickens and just the first couple of weeks of egg laying, so we are still learning about all of this. We have 11 other chickens and at least half of them are laying. All but one are Buff Orpingtons. I don't think the Wyandotte is laying yet. We are getting 4-6 brown eggs a day now, but only the one green one. Just wondered if I should be concerned or watching for something. This morning I found two soft shelled brown eggs on the poop board under the roosts. They were right on top of each other, so I am thinking they both came from the same chicken. They were in the vicinity of where she sleeps, but it could have been one of the newbie BOs. Maybe we're just not having a good egg laying week.

As always, your experiences and advice are appreciated!!
I think she will be fine. It just may take her a little while to get into the groove of laying each day. Plus for a first egg a double yolk she may take a break for a few days.

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