EE leg color correlation to egg color?


14 Years
Mar 24, 2008
Salt Lake City / Sugarhood
I have a new EE chick, now about 1 week old, from Meyer Hatchery. Her legs are just barely tinted green. She is a blonde chick, perhaps will be white or buff.

With her legs having so little green in them, I am thinking she might lay brown eggs.
Anyone have experience with this?
Vermontgal, I think that this is hilarious! I posted the same question last week, and also live in central vermont. everyone assured me that leg color has nothing to do with egg color, which is a little disappointing, but I can't wait to see what I get.
Cool. I *did* try to search on "EE leg color" and got many hits, most of which have nothing to do with my question.

chickensducks&agoose That is very funny. On my side, I am *hoping* that the leg color doesn't mean anything because the legs are boring. I want green.

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