EE or brown leghorn or other?!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 18, 2011
Rolling Hills Estates, Ca
I have 3 hens from McMurray's Rainbow Layer Assortment. I am pretty sure one is an Andalusian, the other I believe is a Leghorn, and the third I was hoping you guys would be able to me with. There were originally 25 which we split with our neighbor and my aunt and for some reason havent seen theirs since we split them. Now I regret only taking 3 because I was really hoping for a colorful variety of eggs
. My fingers are crossed for an Easter Egger or Ameraucauna! Though Im starting to think she is a brown leghorn...Here are some pictures of our Ladies. Meet Toulousse, Berlioz, and Marie named so after the disney movie Aristocats.
3 days old

Marie (Leghorn?) and Toulousse (Andalusian) 10 weeks old

Berlioz at 3 days old


Berlioz at 10 weeks 4 days

Berlioz next to Toulousse 10 weeks old

So guys what do you think? (
She's not quite right for a leghorn--I look at her and think Phoenix? Which is weird as I have zero experience with that breed. I'll be interested to see what others say
She isn't a leghorn,or EE but She is not a purebred phoenix either. See her yellow feet? Purebreds have blue feet. She looks to be either a phoenix mix or a hatchery phoenix. She is beautiful,though

Here's what a pure Phoenix hen looks like-

I vote for brown leghorn. The yellow legs and white ears are classic. It could also be a silver, the hens are so hard to tell apart!
Wow that does look like her except the feet. pretty pretty! I dont think its a phoenix though. Those were not included in the assortment. So no Easter Egger guesses huh... : /
New development! It has been a couple weeks since i posted this and now Berlioz (the brown chicken in question) now has almost neon green earlobes.... so what does that mean?
I checked out McMurray's chicks, and it looks like you have a Silver Leghorn. As for the neon green earlobes, I think all the white earlobed chickens get some kind of metallic coloring on their earlobes. I had a Polish with white earlobes and ametallic purple and yellow sheen to it.

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