EE pullet with funky eye! please help!


6 Years
May 2, 2013
I bought two pullets the other day. One is an EE around 3 months. The other is a cuckoo maran around 5 months. The EE has a funky looking eye and had a little bit of clear fluid coming from her nose. Also sneezes every once in a while. I dont know how to treat her as i am new to chickens. Ive been giving both of them VetRX and probiotics and electrolytes for the past two days. Also put the VetRX on the noses combs and under wings. They are quarantined from my other girls. When i came home today the EEs nose was dry. So i think its helping her runny nose. But her eyes are still funky looking. The cuckoo maran doesnt show any signs of these symptoms. But i still have them quarantined together since they came from the same place and she could have it too maybe. Is there anything else i should be
[/IMG][/IMG] doing? How long until i see improvement on her eyes? Please help!
I've had hens with Coryza, it looked a bit similar, though mine had icky puss coming out the eye too. Mine also came from a different flock, I think the stress of moving makes illness flare up.

Here is a link with some info, you can read through the different illnesses--maybe give you some ideas:
Scroll down to "infections coryza"

At the old place my infected birds were, new birds have since been brought in, and were exposed to the older birds that had been exposed to the ill birds, haven't seen any outbreaks since. So, maybe mine didn't have it, but the symptoms sure matched.

ETA: My birds had it several years ago--we have since moved and the birds stayed at the old place. I don't buy adult poultry anymore because of that experience.
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Whoa. Was she like that when you got her?? I'd see about taking them both back. There are plenty of other places to get birds that are 100% healthy. I wouldn't recommend using your time nursing somebody else's problem chickens. And if it IS infectious, there's no guarantee that these birds won't infect your existing flock, even after the quarantine period.

Ask me how I know. :(
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Thank you for the tips. I will see about taking them back. I really wanted to try to get them healthy again because im pretty sure this one will be an olive egger. And always wanted a maran. Just dissapointed...
I just called the lady. She will not take them back. What should i do with them??!! Im so worried. I dont want the rest of my flock to get it.
I just called the lady. She will not take them back. What should i do with them??!! Im so worried. I dont want the rest of my flock to get it.

Some people don't want to admit they might have a problem. Or she might be afraid the bird picked it up from your flock and doesn't want to introduce it to her birds. I would suspect it came with the bird.

I don't know what to tell you. Keep them in quarantine, research, and make the best informed decision you can. If you read the link above, it says that mortality is low, but your birds may end up being lifelong carriers. I wouldn't be able to sell birds to others with good conscience knowing they might be carriers. Many people would just cull, but many people don't.

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