EE Pullets perhaps?

Flying Feathers

In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
I've got two mystery kids that I need a little input on. They started out as yellow chicks so what they were was up for grabs. NOW I'm thinking they are possibly EE's since they don't seem to look like anything else. One of them has a green tint to his/her legs, the others legs are just a funky yellow. Anyway, I think they are pullets - their tail feathers are rounded and they just don't carry themselves like the fellas I do have. Any guesses? Am I right or are they an actual breed of chicken that I'm not aware of?

Both of the mystery chickens.

It was a very windy day.

This is the one with the green tinted legs.

Closer look at the feathers.
I can only see one of them's comb, and that one is huge and red (2nd photo down), so definitely a cockerel. The next one could be a pullet, I'd need a comb shot to tell.

They also don't really look like EE's to me at all, green legs can happen in other types of crosses.
The other ones comb is totally different, it's a single pea comb and just pink. I got them from Atwoods and they get their chicks from Ideal and the batch I got them from included EE's as the only mix and I'm pretty sure that they aren't any recognized breed.
As far as the sex, I'm just going by tail feathers and the way they carry themselves. But I'm good if one of them is a boy.

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