EE Sexing

Thanks 🥰 I’m excited to watch them grow up.

I suspect pullet as well, but s/he stands very upright and I know pea combed individuals can be difficult to tell until they are a little older.
My Ameraucana had me doubting until she was around 16 weeks!🤣
I noticed that especially the lighter colored ones like white or splash have very pink combs at a young age.
My Ameraucana had me doubting until she was around 16 weeks!🤣
I noticed that especially the lighter colored ones like white or splash have very pink combs at a young age.
Yup, they can keep you guessing. I’ve learned that a flushed pink colour in some breeds has to be taken with a grain of salt 🤣 These gals look pinkish sometimes too, but not deep enough of a colour to be alarming.
Well, here's an update at 3.5 month (14 weeks) - excuse my photo quality as my partner sent these cell phone pictures to me. I've been on a work trip for the last month and am in the middle of a mandatory 14 day self-isolation period before I return home, so I'll have better photos in about a week's time :)

So, #1 Cupid is definitely a cockerel as described before, so I haven't included him here (though you might see him in the background of some shots).

#2 Snuggles (Salmon Faverolles x Wheaten Ameraucana) = Pullet


#4 Arrow (Unknown EE Heritage) = Probably Pullet? A little pink, but no other indicators of being male at 14 weeks


#3 Heart (Unknown EE heritage splash in background) - Another likely pullet because of the above, but more pink than I'm use to.


#5 Valentine (Wyandotte cross Ameraucana) in back right of above photo - definitely pullet

#6 Flirt (Unknown EE Heritage) - front and centre above photo and below = I'm not sure about this one at all. Hoping pullet, but again the comb is more red and raised so I fear it's a late blooming cockerel. Feathers look like a pullet though!


I will have more photos next week with good side profiles and comb shots :)

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