EEE kills three cassowary chicks, who vaccinates?

I have asked 2 vets up here in NH and neither seems to know about this, my horse is vaccinated ,but when I asked her about my emus she said she didn't know about vaccinating emus.
I have asked 2 vets up here in NH and neither seems to know about this, my horse is vaccinated ,but when I asked her about my emus she said she didn't know about vaccinating emus.

You may want to contact the University of New Hampshire lab as they do testing for other states.
In N.H.,Tony.
ES, FYI, there is a vet near me who has volunteered to offer advice to us. Hitched to town with him. Had great conversation 'cause he hunts in a geographical area that actually overlaps my old observation area.

Yes I vaccinate my emus once a year at the same time I do my Donkey. Truthfully though if I had a lot of emus I might not, because the three way vaccine I use is not exactly cheep.
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Finally got my 2 boys vaccinated for triple E, its a little late in the year but at least they will be all set for spring, it wasn't cheap though, with the barn call and the exam it ended up being 180.00 for 2 birds and she still has to come back in 3 weeks for a booster.
I vaccinate twice a year here in FL. You can by a 10 vial dose for around $70-80 from Jeffers or just singles at your local feed store.. I also do West Nile when threat is high. I know a farm that lost most of their emu to EEE. I also had a mini come down with it even vaccinated...but she survived because of vaccination. I sit emu down and inject into thick of thigh

As endangered as cass are, I'm surprised they didn't vaccinate
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