Egg bound 2 year old lavender orpington.

Fantastic news, while she is not 100% better. She is now starting to put back on her weight! Its going to be awhile before she is no longer just skin and bone, but she is eating all on her own. And her walking has improved tremendously. She only has a slight wobble, but she is running again! I am still keeping her separate until she is 100%. Right now she is at about 80%, just gotta get some more weight on her and she’s good to go!
She was better, she had gotten some of her weight back, she was walking better. So I thought she was ready to go back to her coop. I did the look dont touch method. Comeback out a few hours after letting the other hens out. She is dead. Could the stress from going back to the flock sped up what ever it was she had? Or was it a heart attack? Was it liver failure? I don’t know. There are no injuries that would have killed her on her body. her beak is a little chipped but that shouldn’t kill her. They seem to have pecked at her comb a little. (Cause her head was sticking out of the dog crate) she was indeed ready to go back. She was running, she was jumping. I though putting her in there would help her fatten up. as they have unlimited access to food. The coop is in the shade. And it’s not that hot yet. I am at a loss. What happened?
After taking my bird to the vet twice my understanding is that even the vet doesn't know exactly just from a basic exam. Birds are simple creatures but because of such their body systems are so interrelated that a sign or symptom isn't always telling of the cause. My guess is your love kept her safe and happy and alive but the underlying issue may have still been present. It is possible her heart gave out or acute liver failure. Sometimes its unsure to know exactly. It makes it frustrating.
After taking my bird to the vet twice my understanding is that even the vet doesn't know exactly just from a basic exam. Birds are simple creatures but because of such their body systems are so interrelated that a sign or symptom isn't always telling of the cause. My guess is your love kept her safe and happy and alive but the underlying issue may have still been present. It is possible her heart gave out or acute liver failure. Sometimes its unsure to know exactly. It makes it frustrating.
Perhaps. That is my second guess aswell. Me taking care of her kept her going, but the stress of going back to the flock just made it all worse. All I did was prolong her death. She did not seem to have suffered however. And that is all that matters. She was supposed to be vaccinated against Coccidiosis, and Marek's. So thats two things it shouldn’t be.

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