Egg Bound chicken, egg broke, cannot get prescribed antibiotics!? Help!


Oct 4, 2022
One of my red comet hens (approximately 4 years old) was egg bound yesterday. Smyptoms included lethargy, squatting/waddling, and not being 'herself". Despite our best efforts (Epsom baths, dark isolation, calcium, and Vaseline on her vent) she didn't pass the egg. Today, I believe the egg broke inside of her because there was yolk around her vent but no egg inside of her isolation crate. She is still lethargic but capable of drinking electrolyte solution from a syringe.

I am worried about infection and think she should probably start antibiotics. However, I have tried calling many vets and they either do not currently accept chickens due to the avian flu or do not have openings to see a chicken until 10/19. No practice will prescribe antibiotics without seeing her. Does anyone have experience with over-the-counter methods to fight off an internal infection? Or a suggestion for telehealth vets capable of prescribing antibiotics?
Can you get to a feed store? You used to be able to get OTC Tylan for cattle (injectible liquid form). I'm pretty sure I saw some in my feedstore the other day. I'm not sure of the dosage, but you simply dropper by mouth.

The other option is to give oregano oil by mouth. It is a natural antibiotic.

Sadly, since about 2017, the FDA has made it hard to get antibiotics for livestock and most vets don't take chickens.


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