Egg bound chicken


Jul 30, 2015
If a chicken is egg bound can they start to produce another egg behind the bound egg, an possibly lay both, or do the not start to produce another until the one has been layed?
Maybe not, but she didn’t lay the day before, and was acting weird, not like herself, and was acting like she was pushing but was constipated!
Hi! I have a chicken that is egg bound. she was squatting and with her tail down, laying down a lot too.. she was eating treats and drinking water, but now she won't touch water ate a few oyster shells but that't it! I took her inside and gave her a warm bath for about 15min, and was really perky, pecking her feathers and then i put her in a kennel to relax and to hopefully to pass the egg. She's not locked in, i'm right by her. She's a little more lethargic and laying down. She's panting and her butt is retracting. I need help!!

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