Egg-bound, dropped egg still bad

At first I thought it was prolapsed but actually think it may just be swelling. I have had people tell me that theirs walked like a penguin for a couple of weeks then went back to normal activity and laying. I don't have a chicken vet and honestly don't have the money to spend a lot on vets for the chickens. It looks like poop to me but there is some discharge as well. I'll have to double check that. I do not feel any kind of egg in her by palpations.
At first I thought it was prolapsed but actually think it may just be swelling. I have had people tell me that theirs walked like a penguin for a couple of weeks then went back to normal activity and laying. I don't have a chicken vet and honestly don't have the money to spend a lot on vets for the chickens. It looks like poop to me but there is some discharge as well. I'll have to double check that. I do not feel any kind of egg in her by palpations.

If it's swelling you can use the hemorrhoid cream or honey (put some on the outside and a little no more than an inch or so inside as well).
If she will eat egg, tuna or meat that would be good. Offer her normal feed as well, you may want to just have oyster shell free choice for her to pick at if she needs it and switch to some poultry vitamins in the water for a couple of days.

I know you have been soaking her, you may want to continue that for a couple more days to see if that helps with the inflammation as well and it will help keep her clean since she is isolated and laying down so much.

A lot of us don't have a vet that will treat or the $$$ just doesn't really make sense. I adore my flock and will try my best to treat/remedy myself, but that is the limit for me. That said, there are places that have avian vets and the $$ is fairly reasonable, so that is why I suggest, just in case.

I hope she improves soon, you are doing good
Yeah I was right. It's not just poop coming out.
She has something hanging from her vent but it's not her vent it's something from inside. When I touched it she seemed to be in a lot of pain. She threw up on me and I got her rested and back in her spot to sleep. I haven't been able to stop crying. I don't feel like this is going to have a good ending.
Yeah I was right. It's not just poop coming out.
She has something hanging from her vent but it's not her vent it's something from inside. When I touched it she seemed to be in a lot of pain. She threw up on me and I got her rested and back in her spot to sleep. I haven't been able to stop crying. I don't feel like this is going to have a good ending.

I'm so sorry

It looks like it is some "lash" or the beginnings of lash egg - formally known as Salpingitis. This is an inflammation of the oviduct.
Antibiotic treatment may help with the infection, but sometimes the outcome is not what we want. Try to make her as comfortable as you can, it sounds like she is trying to pass more, if she is in pain.

Again, I'm sorry. I wish I had more answers.
Lash egg.. That's what a friend called the egg that she passed the other day. I hate she's so miserable.
Could this have happened because she's so young? Here is the egg she passed on Saturday. Sorry for all the gross pictures.
I would keep her isolated from the others to be safe. Lash egg can be a secondary side effect to an illness that could be contagious. Stay on the safe side and keep your other girls safe.

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