Egg Bound Hen...I think


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
We have a hen (cuckoo maran approx. 2 years old) that appears to have all the symptoms of being egg bound. We are currently doing a warm water soak and she seems to be trying to push the egg out, but with no success yet. She's been soaking for 30 minutes and still appears to be working to try to get the egg out. How long should we leave her in the warm water bath? Are we on the right track? Thanks!!
Looking like she's trying to get the egg out.

If you have it, add Epsom salt in with the warm water. The magnesium will help her muscles relax and pass the egg.

Have you verified she is egg bound? You won't have to go too far into her vent to find it if she is.

What symptoms does she have and how long has she been like this?

Thank you for the responses! Last night we soaked her in warm water for 30 minutes and she seemed to be trying to push an egg out. My husband put on a glove and inspected her vent and did not feel an egg. We did also give her a tums. This morning she seemed very lethargic and didn't appear to have eaten or drank (we have her in a dog crate so none of the other chickens can bother her). I did give her some water with a syringe. I am very worried about her. Is there anything else we can do? Thank you!
Good job on giving water with a syringe. She needs plenty of liquids. You can also try wetting some of her food and making a mash to see if she will eat a bit. Also can try some egg or tuna.
Does her abdomen feel swollen?
Are her poos normal?
Have you wormed her lately?

Common causes of swollen/water belly:

Treatment for worms is Valbazen 1/2 ml orally and then repeated in 10 days for each chicken or Fenbendazole (Safeguard, Panacur) is also good at 1/4 ml per pound for 5 days in a row.

Worm information:
I will try the mash when I get home. I don't think she's eaten much since Sunday. Her abdomen felt normal, but her poops were very liquid and yellow. She has not been wormed lately. I'm just not sure if she's egg bound or nor because we couldn't feel anything in there but she's displaying the symptoms I've read about.

I'm very afraid when I get home this evening she will have passed!

Thanks so much for the response! Any other advice would be greatly appreciated!
Internal laying/Egg Yolk Peritonitis is certainly a possibility. Check the symptoms and see if that matches.

I am very sorry for your troubles. :(

Mrs. B - I'm looking up info on Internal laying/Egg Yolk Peritonitis and she seems to have those symptoms as well. The prognosis doesn't look good from what I'm reading...
There are antibiotics that can help treat the infection that causes EYP... You might be able to order it online, but I have no idea about dosing.

I've always heard Baytril is the antibiotic that vets prescribe for this. They say once you administer Baytril, the chicken becomes "useless" in terms of eating the eggs or meat for the rest of her life.


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