Egg bound or slow down?

Ok , birds that get egg bound. Will set on a nest or on the ground , just like they are trying to lay a egg. Except when egg bound they will puff up, stay on the nest for along time. If they are egg bound they will died in just a few days. Best thing you can do is put oil down the vent. Keep them warm. Egg bound birds ,yes you will see area swell, and may even see the eggs. Don't confuse them with a broody hen.

Warning if you see the egg, and she doesn't pass the egg, you may even have to break it and remove a piece at a time, before the egg behind that one is time to be layed. Remember pullet lay every day.

Now with all this said.....Don't think your are egg bound. Hens other than those breed to not go broody , will take breaks between clutches of eggs. Chicken lay clutch size of 12 to 20 eggs. With my peahen its more like 7'

Again don't think you have anything to worry about.
Well, I got back from the weekend away yesterday afternoon. Everyone else continued to lay, but nothing from Buffy. Behaviorally, she acts totally normal and healthy and totally uninterested in laying. So, I guess until I see distress, I will just wait and see what she does.
I really am just trying to ease your mind and not insult you. I think if your pullet is still acting fine after all this time, most likely she is just that - fine. The pullet I have, Winnie, still hasn't laid although all of the other 3 still are. If she were egg bound she would have not survived this long and any other "illness" would have probably had the same outcome. I have not had chickens long, but one thing I have learned above all else from my chickens - sometimes things are just what they are. Their instincts are great and they usually know better than us.

Good luck and try to put your worry aside (believe me I totally get the compulsion to worry - again not trying to demean your feelings, just trying to help put worry aside.)
Oh, Sanebychicks, I did not take any offense at all! I really did appreciate your perspective on it. I fully admit to worrying about just about anything
She seems so totally fine now that I've decided not to worry. I guess it's just one of those things. Thanks, again.

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