Egg Bound w/ a Shell-Less Egg?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 9, 2009
My Buff Orpington hen is acting very funny. She has all of her tail feathers down (droopy tail) and she sits a lot. I had her confined for a few hours last night and found it odd that she wasn't pooping. So I fed her some molasses with water. This morning I thought I would find the dog cage filled with poop but.... nothing. I changed her water this morning and put some electrolytes in there. I also gave her some plain yogurt with crushed calcium. She is eating and drinking fine. Not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
I have a hen with similar symptoms but she is pooping. Is yours still not passing anything? How old is your hen and does she have other symptoms? Lameness? Eyes watering or mattery? Discharge?
I recommend you soak your hen in a container of warm water for 15-20 minutes and gently massage her underside. Wear a disposable plastic glove and put some olive oil on your finger. Insert your lubed finger into her vent checking for any obstructions. Remove your finger and lube her vent area. The warm water expands her innards and massaging helps move the egg along to the stretched and lubed vent to be laid.

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