egg bound?????????? what can you do?

First you bring her to a warm bath. Dip her behind end into the water. Massage her back and behind. The dry her feathers and apply coconut oil to her vent. Make sure she has water.
Lube up your gloved finger with Preparation H (if you have it) and gently feel for an egg; do't go too far up. Then soak her in a warm sink of water for 20-30 mintes, then put her somewhere like your bathroom tub where she willl be kept quiet and relatively dark for a couple of days -- and see what comes out.

There are lots of threads here about thi; here is one:
Sooo this same bird is egg bound again (at least that what I think it is) as of Monday afternoonish. She's been walking aimlessly in the yard sitting or just standing anywhere she likes with her eyes closed. Yesterday and Today I was able to get her to eat some tums, and then some calcium pills I mixed in with some grapes (and some with a syringe) as she won't eat anything else. I gave her the veggie oil and petroleum jelly on her vent, massaged her tummy, did the Epsom salt bath and left her in a dark warm place to hopefully lay the egg and nothing has worked so far. Ironically when we come outside to sit shell fly on us to sleep. Yesterday she felt better late in the evening (showing less symptoms) and when she woke up she returned to her old ways. I let her back in the yard the last hour or so and she's really blown up like a ball and now I'm really nervous. She's having mostly diarrhea with yellow and white, and not pooping a whole lot either. What can I do???

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