Egg bound

ok I am excited that I didn't even have to do anything to her. I put the calcium in her little water thing and she drank it all
I gave her 2 and half ml just to make sure since she is a jersey giant. no chicken have i ever had take it that easy!!! now to wait. its been about 45 minutes maybe 50 min. I have her in a dark room. should I put her out in the light and let her walk around??
I'm sort of loving this exchange. One of you a little bit timid and hands off, and the other all "git er done!" I have to say though, in this situation, I've got to side with "git ER done!"

Ha Ha which one am I??? Hmmm let me guess.... I HATE giving meds in the mouth it so hard for us anyway. And yes Kathy I have given the shots before that's much easier for me. :) but I cow girld up and got er done

I just hope I have results in a few minutes....what if I don't?
ok I am excited that I didn't even have to do anything to her. I put the calcium in her little water thing and she drank it all
I gave her 2 and half ml just to make sure since she is a jersey giant. no chicken have i ever had take it that easy!!! now to wait. its been about 45 minutes maybe 50 min. I have her in a dark room. should I put her out in the light and let her walk around??

and there was only maybe a ML of water in it and she drank it all there may have been a smige left not enough to really mention.
Quote: Source:

Approximate weight[edit]

Cock 5.85 kg 13 lbs
Hen 4.5 - 5.0 kg 10 - 11 lbs

A RIR hen weighs 6 pounds... how big is she? Please don't take this the wrong way, but I've made a suggestion based on what I know about JG weights and the amount of calcium I have used on my birds, but you have chosen to do it your own way, which is fine, that's your choice... A little hard for me to make suggestions on what to do next if you haven't done what I suggested in the first place.


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