Egg bound

I seriously doubt that she has Newcastle. I have sent several birds with green poop for necropsy and not one of them had Newcastle. No point in even mentioning it, IMO.

If either of these hens were mine they would be in an 80-85 degree room, not outside in a coop. Sick birds need to be kept warm.

mine is in my extra bathroom cause its less used. i just had a hen that had been sick for over a month and this is where she slept for that long. I could put her in mine where I have an extra heater. my extra bath is to small for an extra heater she would burn up. I may move her to mine then cause its supposed to be a freeze warning here in Alabama tonight and in the morning. quik question. would it be ok to put her back out in the morning or does she need to stay in? I have something i have to do for a little while in the morning. and if she doesn't pass an egg tonight should I give her more calcium in the morning?

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