Egg bound

Are either birds in this post over the age of around 3,and have either of you seen a funny looking egg commonly referred to as a "lash" egg? I am asking b/c often hens over the age of 3 stop laying on a regular basis and a lash egg often precedes this and might give us some indication of what is wrong. Sometimes a lash egg can indicate an infection,sometimes not. Everything has to be considered at this point as both of these birds have had this issue far too long.

At this point i would suggest a vet.
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Check bird over for mites/lice have either birds been wormed? Suggesting b/c in one post someone mentioned bird picking at vent,start looking for other causes.
Tenmile67,i noticed on 9/24/2013 you had a sick rooster,what drugs did you use to treat him with and what was the nature of his illness? Did he recover?
Yes he did recover! I gave him tetracycline. I had to force feed him for over a week. He had respiratory illness. I say that because when he would crow it sounded terrible! Bless his heart...he is doing good and beautiful as ever. That is why this hen is so upsetting! I can't fix this.
Penny has also gone bald on her tummy...?
Is she laying down a lot or pecking/picking at her feathers? You mentioned that when doing a cloacal exam that you could feel an egg,can you still feel egg internally?

I would take her vet now,don't wait till Friday.
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She is not pecking at herself. She's in a box inside the house. She just waddles and not far.

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