Egg bound

tenmile67 how is your girl doing?
She's still hanging in there! The vet said she had the egg yolk peritonitis. She said since she is eating and drinking she had a 50/50 chance of making it. She gave us baytril. Real nice vet and only charged me $ 27.00. I sure hope she makes it. Is your girls stomach swollen like Pennys?
She's still hanging in there! The vet said she had the egg yolk peritonitis. She said since she is eating and drinking she had a 50/50 chance of making it. She gave us baytril. Real nice vet and only charged me $ 27.00. I sure hope she makes it. Is your girls stomach swollen like Pennys?

awwwww, I sure hope she makes it I am praying she will. no, my hens name is Little Turkey, when the two of them were tiny I would just say yall two little turkeys so they both are named Little Turkey. so that's her name. No my Little Turkeys tummy isn't swollen. I have actually had someone tell me she could be broody. I don't think so but, some people know a lot about chickens. Mine may be at the vet tomorrow. How did your vet determine Pennys diagnosis?
I am really afraid that is whats wrong with mine. but mine isn't swollen. she pecks at her rear end a lot her is a pic of her bottom she has has mineral oil on her bottom and just has gotten a dirt bath. that's why she is so dirty looking. she is jet black and gorgeous!

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