Egg Candling! Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices.

I’m a newbie can someone show a photo of the correct way to...candle? Not sure if that’s how it’s used in a sentence haha
I can read descriptions all day but I’m a visual learner.

Let us know what you'll be using to candle and I'm sure one of us can take a picture as an example for you. :)
Thank you so much for this thread!!! As a new chicken mom I'm trying to hatch some babies at the moment so I will be candleling tonight! Friday is 7 days.
So I just put my eggs in my incubator about an hour ago. Do I count the first day of incubation tomorrow? I always get confused about that.
That's fantastic! :love I hope you can capture it! Candling white eggs is my favorite! You can see so much more!
I literally only set those two eggs with the rest for the enjoyment and value of candling them. I didn't need those particular babies at all, because they'll only be a cross between a mutt rooster (brown egg layer) and a leghorn, but I am still excited to see what color chick I'll get and what shade of brown the resulting eggs will be..... if I get a female from them.

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