Egg cleaning


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 19, 2011
My hens are 19 weeks old. Looking forward to getting eggs soon. Any suggestions on egg cleaning and storage. Thanks for input
To clean them, I just use my bare hands to exfoliate them with warm water. Some people use mild soap. I don't dare to. I don't want it seeping into the pores of the egg
It's easy - don't. Unless there's poop on them (in which case, you need to clean the nesting box and make sure nobody sleeps in there) you want to leave the eggs alone because there's something on them called "bloom" which is a natural barrier so bacteria don't get in (I learned about that here on BYC!) If you wash the eggs, the barrier gets washed off too. Just set them whereever you want to store them (some folks refrigerate, others just set them on the counter) and if you want, rinse them right before you use them.
great question and thanks for the replies. I am expecting eggs anytime from my young hens, so this information is very helpful. I really enjoy reading the posts here on BYC.

I am the care giver to 2 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Barred Rocks, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Ameracaunas and two Red Stars all living organic and happy lives.
I wash them as I wash my hands. My rationale is that the eggs may not be visibly dirty; they have had a roll in the hay. We all know hay is far from sanitary. I know there is suppose to be a coating that keeps the bacteria from penetrating the shell. If the bacteria is washed away and absent from the shell, mission is achieved.

My kids remarked that the poop and eggs come thru the same place.
Not a pleasant thought to put unclean eggs in my fridge.

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