Egg Color Question for a Blue Ameraucana.


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 19, 2010
Michigans Upper Peninsula
Just wondering if anyone that has a Blue Ameraucana Hen can tell me what color eggs I should expect to get from her. ? I know they are called EE's, so I am thinking the bluish-green eggs??

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Heehee you just stumbled into a source of constant conversation in the forums.

Most chickens sold as Ameraucanas are actually mutt hybrids that are in actuality referred to as Easter Eggers. Ameraucanas are a very specific and highly policed pool of purebreds that you won't run into in your average hatchery. Hatheries do love fibbing though and selling Easter Eggers as Ameraucanas (or Americanas).

The end story is that if you didn't get a special purebred, your bird is an Easter Egger, and will surprise you with her egg-color. I'm waiting for my little girl to lay next month, and it's like waiting to open an Xmas present. The anticipation will kill me! She'll lay anything from a green, to a blue (ooo I hope I hope), to a brown.

Special note though, she'll stick with the color she lays; they don't lay different colors once they've started with one. Thats also another common misconception.

Hope that helps!
Thanks! I'm hoping for the blueish color eggs! The guy that I bought her from states he gets blueish eggs from his EE's and one that lays a pinkish color too.
She is already laying, so we will find out shortly!

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