Egg color question?


Pine Hill Farm
11 Years
Apr 24, 2009
I have the following breeds and am wondering what color egg these girls are supposed to lay?

RIR and Black Australorp over:

RIR, Black Australorp, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Appenzeller Spitzhauben-silver laced and gold laced.

I am getting medium brown eggs like they sell in the grocery store, lighter brown eggs with speckles, almost white HUGE eggs, and small very light brown eggs.
I saw my SL Spitz lay a very small, pale, light brown, egg today. So, who's laying what's left? Any ideas?
Australorps lay brown eggs too. In fact, the only one I don't know what color it lays is the Spitz. Check their earlobes, might help you figure it out, since they are mixes it might make it a bit more challenging but theoretically white earlobes= white eggs, red earlobes= brown eggs. There a are a couple exceptions to this rule but I don't think Spitz are one of them.

Good luck!
The spitz lay a white egg, and the egyptian Fayoumi lay an off white egg....they should have white ear lobes..check again.
The spitz lay a white egg, and the egyptian Fayoumi lay an off white egg....they should have white ear lobes..check again.
Hmm, this makes it more interesting now. My "gold laced" Appenzeller Spitzhauben that came from a poster here, is laying the white eggs and my Silver Laced Appenzeller Spitzhauben lays small, brown eggs that look just like Silkie eggs.
I don't know which way is up now!



and Diller:

Now I need torepost this in the What Breed forum!

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