Egg cracked/dented!? Should I give up..


In the Brooder
Feb 18, 2015
I have 26 eggs in the bator, two cracked on day 3 (house keeper bumped the bator on accident) but I put nail polish over the cracks and it's now day 9 and they are healthy and growing! A few days ago I was turning them and I noticed one was cracked/dented (I think someone bumped into the bator again) it was only like day 6 I think, so put nail polish on it. All the other eggs are doing great, the hearts are beating and they are floating around the eggs, except for this guy. He has not moved and I can't see his heart beating. Should I give up or give it a few more days?

That's the dent, I could only find black nail polish (I don't really wear nail polish).

The crack goes almost all around the egg
I never knew you could put nail varnish on a cracked egg, wish I knew this over a month ago, my broody was really knocking her eggs, kicking them out and going stone cold, I remember on day 18 I brought them home, I couldn't see any Movement in any, when they had warmed up all 3 was moving, by day 21 only one hatched, the cracked one died probably from bacteria getting in!-.- doesn't the nail polish harm them egg?
i thought nail polish would kill them as well, i myself cant stand the smell. but my two eggs that cracked early are growing! they seem perfectly fine and healthy!

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